Province of Ministry of Fitth Fioor British Columbia Education Douglas Annex 620 Superior Street Victoria POST-SECONDARY : bee British Columbia VBV 2M4 1986 03 11 TO: Instructional Skills Contact Persons WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY TRENDS IN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY WORKSHOP DETAILS In 1984 and 1985, the Department of Psychology at Western Washington University in Bellingham offered a professional development workshop for community college instructors in their area. This year Western Washington University is extending an invitation to B.C. Community College faculty to attend the program. Infor- mation has already been sent to those of you who serve as P.S.A.C.C.-Academic representatives. The specific theme of this year's conference places a particular focus on the work of Piaget, Perry and Gillingham and other adult development theorists. As the study of these particular theorists is an area of study in the Instructional Skills Workshop program, there may be some I.S.W. facilitators interested in attending the W.W.U. workshop this year. ACCOMMODATION COST The meetings will be held at Fairhaven College in Bellingham. Roam amd board is available at the residence m@m either a single or double occupancy basis. Meals are available at the college cafeteria. Participants can register for roan only, or meals only, or both room and board. RATES Single Occupancy $16.75 U.S. Double Occupancy 13.25 U.S. (Indicate whether smoker or non-smoker) Meals Package* 10.00 U.S. *Meal package includes dinner Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. REGISTRATION The pre-registration fee for the workshop is U.S. $40 or if paying at the work- shop U.S. $45. Registration packages are available by calling Diane Morrison, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education (604) 386-4611. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT GERRY DELLA MATTIA FOR DEFAILS ON PROGRAM CONTENT. 5