TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD October 15, 1987. eee Our monthly Management Forum meeting on October 13, reviewed a number of proposed procedures for handling staffing requests through Management Committee and the Personnel Office. The current round of approvals for new faculty and staff, both regular and temporary, has shown the need to pay some attention to improving our internal processes of approval and hiring. Time has been spent in following up on post-registration problems of students from outside the College region, who were unable to secure satisfactory programs. Trish Angus, Gerry DellaMattia, and I have been working together on this matter. E. Internal Matters - Personnel A major review of management compensation and pay differentiation is all but completed. I expect to be able to recommend an appropriate package to the Board at its next meeting. Negotiations with the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association have formally recommenced, via the exchange of proposals calculated to expedite an agreement. There are no outstanding third stage grievances at this time. The Board should be aware of the fact that its secretary, Gena Ballantyne, has chosen to celebrate her birthday by taking minutes this evening without interruption for 3 hours. This reflects well on her system of values. It also warrants us standing and singing Happy Birthday. WLD/gb l|