ated and why should the impulse that arises from a generous heart remain absolute? UI- timately, if I believe that every action and feeling on my part is merely the re- sult of electro-chemical reactions in my brain, then why can I not choose to ignore any of those impulses which I find non- gratifying. Need I give on the basis of a biological urge? If we say that generosity makes us more ‘human', then we are saying that we have some idea of what is implied by being ‘hu- man'. Is 'being human' ever anything more than the definition we choose to give it? Is my definition therefore not as valid as yours? If I am to give, I will need a reason which transcends all of these objections. Al Harms Instructor, Mathematics MAD HATTER PAGE 4 WHAT'S HAPPENING TO THE CONCOURSE? aad — No one who crosses our concourse or walks the connecting walkways between north to | south can help but either admire the grand expanse or become somewhat disturbed when viewing the garbage stewn plaza. It is oft times said we are products of our environment but it seems too that our en- — vironment is a product of its inhabitants. | Certainly not all of us are so totally with- out regard for our surroundings that we are content to see the “post PNE scene" por- trayed on what is otherwise capable of being the crowning jewel of the campus ... a pleasing crossroads ... a happy gathering place ... a bright even sometimes sunny place to contemplate our good fortune at having so fine a facility. It is recognized more disposal units would be useful. They will eventually be pro- vided. Meanwhile an appeal is made to all to assist a struggling staff of two to main- tain the entire building. Garbage can just as easily as not,be placed IN the proper re- ceptacles provided throughout the building. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE GARBAGE LYING ABOUT. PLEASE PITCH IN AND PITCH YOUR GARBAGE IN: | | | FAMILY HEALTH TV SERIES The Health Education Centre, with the co- operation of Western Cable 10, has produced a series of ‘Family Health' videotapes. College personnel may borrow them from the library. The tapes are available for pur- chase from Anne Howard, local 2850. Topics in the series are: Your Right to Self-medication - over the! counter drugs (3 tapes, Jshr. each) Dr. My Child is Sick (3 tapes, ‘shr. each Are You Depressed? (1 hr. tape) Life After Heart Attack (1 hr. Talking to Your Pre-schooler About Sex (shr. tape) tape) |