MAD HATTER PAGE 4 — capacity as the Resource Develop- | al fund: cultural, educational and economic needs addressed by the College system. Her | I hope you will be able to attend one | of Joy's seminars....SEE YOU ON DECEMBER 2! | i three seminars on her work at Malaspina: 1330-1500 700 Royal Ave., Rm. 3408 1600-1730 700 Royal Ave., Rm. 3408 1930-2130 700 Royal Ave., Rm. 3408 ‘Ment Officer, Joy Leach has had substan- tial success in developing non-tradition- ng and human resources to help ‘Malaspina College respond to social, _ ) work has included: - resource development co-operative education -inuing education social and cultural development -camunity education Come and hear about such projects as: Native Indian Printmaking Co-op Coal Tyee Musical Score Conference for Vancouver Island Women. -Pre-Apprenticeship Forum Energy Systems Demonstration Project ‘Vancouver Island Literacy Project Fish Culture Co-op Project Youth Services Project: oe) O's) eS oe « . . . * . Jim Doerr