CONTINUING EDUCATION ADMISSIONS- RE-LOCATION Please be advised that the Contin- utng Education Admtsstons office ts moving to the Agnes Street Cen- tre on Aug. 11/80. Our new tele- phone number ts 525-2075. Eileen Bowecott Marjory Gueho Shetla Metz SEASONS WEST Cable 10 (Delta) wtll be showing the Douglas College fashton show, Seasons West, Tuesday, June 24 at 4:30 p.m. es ar ge JOB OPPORTUNITIES ACTING DEAN OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES & ACTING DEAN OF STUDENT SERVICES- DOUGLAS COLLEGE Applications from Douglas employ- ees are tnvited for the above men- ttoned temporary posttton which wtll likely last from July, 1980 through to March 31,1981. (The spectfic term will depend of course on the exact ttmetable and staffing plan that emerges for the College apiit.7 Detailed job desertpttons are avatl- able in the Personnel Department for any tnterested applicants. Please apply by July 3 to Personnel ee it OKANAGAN COLLEGE - REGIONAL DIREC= TORS - Salmon Arm & Kelowna Regtonal Director - Shuswap-Revel- stoke (Salmon Arm). Qualifications: Suttable post-sec- ondary educatton and/or equtvalent industrial work expertence, dem- onstrated admtntstrative abtlity and experience tn adult educatton. Experience in vocational and tech- ntcal programs ts desirable. Regional Director - Central Ok- anagan (Kelowna) Qualtficattons: Masters degree or equtvalent, demonstrated admin- tstrative ability and expertence tn adult educatton. Salary: $380,000 to $85,000 per annum (1979-1980) wtth placement dependent upon qualifications. Closing date: duly 31, 1980 Send appltcattons to: Personnel Offtcer, Okanagan College, 1000 K.L0. Bead, Ke Lownd,:Be. 6. ROR ae METRIC EDUCATION LIAISON OFFICER, METRIC CONVERSION OFFICE-MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITIES, SCIENCE & COMMUN- ICATIONS. The Mintstry ts looktng for a per- son with techntcal background, who ts industry-ortented and who tis an expertenced educator, to pro- vide a range of assistance to the Metric Conversion Offtce and the Metrte Converston Co-ordinator (Post-Secondary). The posttton ts requtred for an estimated two-three years and wtll be filled by secondment or contract on an annual basis. Salary ts negottable. Send appltcattons to: Re SC “Baker, S.I. Metrte Co-ordtnator, Ministry of Untversities, Setence & Communtcattons, Parltament Butldings, Victorta, B. C. Ce eli DOUGLAS COLLEGE-COMMUNITY CON- SULTANTS-LANGLEY & NEWTON Douglas College ts looking for two communtty consultants for Sept- ember 1980. The Langley Consul- tant will be a campus consultant, while the Newton Consultant wtll