a aa: ( o (%) ey UV rn WORKSHOP oO O”) RY) OY) a4 L) UY X on. OA) fe “4 ®) PROMOTION, PUBLICITY AND A) CL) SK (D } Ky PUBLIC INFORMATION Ks L) K BY % fA An open workshop will be held on Tuesday, yA A\ \y a &% November 20, 1973 at 1:30PM in the Four- ®) Yo — ey QD Ky Room Complex on the New Westminster & é (L) B Campus. # fy If you have any specific topics you (D KA () ® would like discussed under the above ne R ty fe general heading, please send them to 2 OA) Q Uy) WV i my office. An agenda will be ublished SA A) f Cy) i in an upcoming issue of the Mad Hatter. (yX (R) % All interested parties are invited. ® Dp George Wootton SITUATIONS VACANT ~ The foltewing university presidencies are currently open: University of Victoria University of British Columbia Simon Fraser University University of Alberta Athabaska University (Edmonton) York University (Toronto) Brock University (St. Catherine's) Queens University (Kingston) Mount St. Vincent University (Halifax) Perhaps Douglas College should entertain a career program in this area. D.A. Porter Intramural Hockey Is anyone out there interested in playing in an intramural hockey league to commence November 12th and run to the end of February? Present plans call for a total of six teams - one men's team representing each campus, one Faculty/Staff team and two women's teams. Games will be played on Monday nights at Cloverdale Arena. Two games per night will be scheduled, one from 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. and from 9:30 10:30 p.m. The purpose of the intramural league is to give students, staff and faculty who are not already playing for another team an opportunity to play hockey. Those students playing for other organized teams (includ- ing Team Douglas) are ineligible to play in the intramural league. Organizational meeting and skating practice Nov. 12th 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. Cloverdale Arena (in Fair Ground) First games - Nov. 26th. CALL: John Patterson (588-4411 or 946-8356) or Len Millis (521-4851 or 588-8269) or Robin Ryan for more information. l patr of battery jumper cable are now held by the Administration Office in New West- minster and 1 pair by Administration in Surrey. ‘FOR SALE ADMISSIONS OFFICE PUBLICATION DATES Fall 73 - Spring 74 November 30/73 December 10/73 January 15/74 Final Exam Timetable (Fall) Spring Timetable Staff-Faculty Telephone Book March 26/74 Calendar Printed April 13/74 Final Exam Timetable (Spring) July 15/74 Fall Timetable Printed TS 1971 Comet GT, radio, power steering, V8, 4 radial tires & 4 snow tires, 28,000 miles A-1 condition, mechanic owned $2300 or best offer Phone: 522-9545