“4, Looking for size 6 or 6 1/2 ladies ice skates at a reasonable price. Contact Eva at Admissions. WHO ARE THE "FACULTY ASSISTANTS"? Would whoever submitted the article on page 14 of the October 10 Mad Hatter please contact Eloise Lincicum on the Surrey campus. Your meeting on October 22 conflict with the Faculty Association meeting on the same day, at the same time, in the same room! To Mad Hatter Contributions: Articles are printed in the Mad Hatter under the following conditions: “1. That the copy is received in the Admissions office by 12 noon on the Monday preceeding the Wednesday printing date. 2. That the copy is camera-ready, that is, it must be typed on white stock. 3. That the article is not more than two pages in length unless the editor considers them important enough to most readers to include. 4. That the article is signed by the contributor. Articles submitted may not be included in the Mad Hatter if space does not permit their use. In this case, effort will be made to include the piece in next week's publication. If any of the above criteria are not met «the editor reserves the right to place the “copy in her circular file. Thank you for your cooperation. t