THE photos by Sean Valentini DOUGLAS COLLEGE’S AUTONOMOUS NE WSPAPER JTHER PRESS VOLUME 15 NUMBER 3 OCT. 19TH TO NOV.1ST 1983 Jack Finnbogason ‘‘ Last peaceful protest ”’ His Lordship has been an- nouncing his required yearly payments. It’s been a hard year for some of us. All was in a hush, but, the whispers started. Just a small whisper in passing, yet it grew. It was nurtured and fed. The Whisper grew. The keepers of the Whisper were happy. As the Whisper grew, it became louder, more sure of itself. by M. Mary Palffy Soon, the People of Banana Republic amassed to hear the Whisper. Things happened, another session of _ the Whisper was needed. More people came. The Whisper grew louder once again and a wee bit more sure of itself. Some called for a different thought. ‘‘Well, let’s not pay this year, it‘s too high; we can’t afford this! The Whisper smiled. His lordship was a little miffed, but it was such a beautiful day to sit and chat with his vassals. He had many things to speak of as tea was served. Things had expanded in the Republic. Many fine new things had been bought and made. Yes, things were different now, events to look forward to.Why, there was _even celebration and hustle and buslte in the streets. Down in the streets moré whispers grew. One even said that the people should come to a common stand against pay- ment this year, said we could not afford these payments. The keepers were delighted that so many whispers were born, more would grow. His Lordship and his vassals drank their tea and talked their talk. The keepers kept feeding and kept nurturing, the Whispers grew. If only his ‘Lordship could hear the Whispers; if. only the Whispers could speak louder, more clearly. Things were pretty much the same as usual in the Banana Republic... the Whisper has said that Nov. 1, would be a good day to start screaming. Will his Lordship hear? The Solidarty Machine orch- estrated another spectical in the continuing anti-Bennett SE budget campaign massing close to 50,000 protesters for a march and rally in downtown Vancouver Saturday. With the Socred Convention held in the Hotel Vancouver affording the closest to direct confrontation possible the march instinctively became much more vocal and almost militant as the. ashen faced Socred Delegates huddled be- hind their wall of police. The turnout for the rally indicates that support for Soli- darity is definitely increasing as more people become aware that this ‘‘restraint effects everyone (including students) and is not just a union issue. Art Kube, President of the B.C. Federation of Labour, spoke at length on this issue saying that we must pull together and show a unified front by supporting the Nov- ember 1 general strike. It has gone past the stage of legislative action as the Socreds will not listen co reason and a more direct action must be taken, Sg