Culture © theother press e December 3, 2003 massa arc. (are Amanda Aikman Culbert Release date: Dec. 2003 Movie: 21 Grams Release Date: Nov. 28, 2003 “Silver Bells,’ and of course— Ceres AIDS Project. Universal Gospel C Winter Concert Join Vancouver's jubilant Universal Gospel Choir and Music Director Brian Tate for an uplifting evening of Gospel, Folk, and World Spiritual music for the season at its 2003 Winter Concert, YULE, on Saturday, December 6, 8pm, at Shaughnessy Heights United Church, 1550 W. 33 Ave. The Universal Gospel Choir is a 19- year-old nondenominational Vancouver community choir known for its. vocal passion, musical spirit and adventurous repertoire. It will be performing songs from Gospel, American Spiritual, tradi- tional African, Islamic, and European traditions to raise the spirit in times of darkness and unseasonable warmonger- ing. “An evening with the Universal Gospel Choir is the real thing,” writes Tom Sandborn in the Georgia Straight. “Within five minutes of the choir’s jubi- lant arrival on stage, I was won over, Check out these latest releases while they’re still warm! Book: Wildfire: British Columbia Burns by Charles Anderson and Lori A compilation of 130 photographs and stories from BC’s long, hot summer of 2003. Senior editors and photographers from The Vancouver Sun and The Province newspapers reflect on the historic, economic, and emotional toll of the fires. The book is divided into three sections based on the main fire areas—Kamloops, Kelowna, and Cranbrook. Each section delves into the tragedies of the fires that burned, and the triumphs of the people who fought them. 21 Grams explores the emotionally and physically charged existences of three characters—a woman, her philandering lover, and an ex- con—whose destinies ate irrevocably intertwined in a fusion of love, redemption, and obligation. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s all fine and good but the real reason I’m planning to see it is because Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro are in it, hubba hubba. Album: A Christmas Album (Bright Eyes) by Bright Eyes Release Date: Available now, but only via Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst and Maria Taylor arranged and per- formed traditional Christmas songs such as “Away in a Manger,” “Blue Christmas.” Featuring Jake Bellows, Gretta Cohn, Armand Costanzo, Denver Dalley Stephanie Drootin, Orenda Fink, Neely Jenkins, Matt Oberst, and many oth- ers. All proceeds from the sales of this album to benefit the ing 0 t joy- fully. When this choir gets up to sing, the audience gets down!” Fiona Hughes of the Courier writes: “The Universal gospel Choir has earned a reputation for its tight vocal unity, sense of musical adventure and powerful soloists whose mighty voices and obvi- ous love for the music won't leave any- one unmoved.” The Choir’s new CD, The Universal Gospel Choir LIVE! is available for sale at the concert. Tickets for YULE, Winter Concert, are $18/$15, and are available at 604.737.1545 or at the door. Last years Universal Gospel Choir winter concert sold out and this one promises to equal that evening in spirit and audi- ence enthusiasm. So get tickets early. Fee: Page 14 ¢ All Clothing, All Coats, All Records, All Belts, All Purses All Shoes and Boots $1.00 per item, no limits! 527 Front St., New Westminster Open Thursday - Monday 10:00am - 5:00pm Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Phone: 604-816-9961 Financial Aid Fall 2003 Information Sessions To be held at the New Westminster campus 700 Royal Avenue Wed October 29 3-5pm Room 2201 Wed November 19 5-8pm Room 2804 Mon December 1 3-5pm Room 1606 Free to all information session participants: A copy of Murray Baker's book The Debt Free Graduate HOW TO SURVIVE COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY WITHOUT GOING BROKE We offer information and options to help college students balance their budgets. Budgeting is spending in a way that gets the things you really need and want without ruining your finances. You can learn about Financial Aid options ranging from loans to bursaries and scholarships, and all stops in between. The Other Press | Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue ew Westminster, the_editor57 @