INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 19, 1991 A-V Acquisitions — New Videos — Spring 1991 The Home Emergency Video: This video provides a brief in- troduction to home emergencies: Part 1: Heart Attack; Part 2; Chok- ing; Part 3: Drowning; Part 4: Bleeding/ Shock; Part 5: Poison/ Drug Overdose. Cardiac Emergencies: Three primary, potentially life- threatening emergencies are covered in this video: myocardial infarction (MI), cardiac tamponade and left-sided ventricular failure. Guazapa: This documentary presents an American journalist's view of life in a combat zone in El Salvador, showing the relationship between combatants and civilians in a revolution. Children’s Choice: This video includes: The dingles - Paddle to the Sea - A Chairy tale - Blackberry subway jam - Melvin Arbuckle: Famous Canadian - Lady Fishbourne’s complete guide to table manners - The sweater - Tchou-tchou. Little Dorrit: Video one, Nobody’s Fault; Video two, Little Dorrit’s Story: These two videos present Dickens’ tale from two viewpoints in which the rich world of Dicken- sian characters is portrayed. Page to Stage: In this three-part series, Othel- lo is chosen to illustrate the production of a play including Part 1: Sets, lights, make-up, music and costumes; Part 2: Actors; Part 3: Cast, crew, director and local reviews. Bleak House: This tale by Dickens is a biting social commentary on the justice system of 19th century England. Universal Precautions for Health Care Professionals This video emphasizes the pro- cedures for handling HIV and Hepatitis B viruses. easy ee Birth Defects: This program look at genetic birth defects and reviews risk fac- tors such as family history, material age, ethnic background and non-inherited factors. Born Too Soon: This video explores the anxieties of parents of premature babies and points out how the hospital, family and friends can provide valuable support. Pregnancy After 35: This video looks at the risks in pregnancy after 35 including: diabetes, hypertension, premature delivery, and babies with Downs Syndrome. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: This is a television adaptation of Mark Twain’s classic tale of youthful adventure along the Mis- sissippi. @