september 25, 2002 Op-€d AFTER SCHOOL HACKS Bryan Johnson Op Contributor So, have you seen that commercial for Sylvan Learning Centers where the eight or nine-year-old girl is sitting in front of the TV in her room and her mem comes in and tells her it’s time for bed and the kid says, “Gee, mom, just let me read a few more pages” or some such equally pathetic, gagable shit? Well, that commercial is not only proof that intelligence can't be genetic, it’s also proof there isn’t any intelligence anywhere in the whole machinery that made that commer- cial: not in Sylvan, their marketing company, not anywhere. What parent in their right bloody mind is going to give a pre-teen kid their own television? I know, I know, with the fucking Liberal tax break for their rich friends, every asshole earn- ing seventy grand, like your average plumber or electrician, has an extra grand in their pocket, so there are too many idiots with money to blow in this province (while their kids’ school suffers because that same grand came out of that school, so now there’s no librarian, no reading program, no spe- cial help...). But the real test of the intelligence of those parents is when you ask what mother or father, after spoiling their brat so criminally by giving them their own 21-inch monitor, (I mean, really, what has the kid got to look forward to in life if that level of self-indulgence has already been attained so effortless- ly at such a tender age?) is then going to be so goddamned stupid to first of all, wonder why their kid doesn’t read very much, and then, being so gorm- less as to come up blank on that one, is also going to be so thick as to spend money sending their kid to some fuck- ing after-school program to try and remedy the problem they themselves created. As if the six or more hours in school a day their kid now spends will help when the kid is obviously got to be so fucking scattered and spaced after watching television all night that no amount of extra schooling in a day is going to help. And obviously, if the parent is so completely ignorant of what it takes to raise a literate child that they would give the kid a TV in the first place, the only possible expla- nation is because the parent has an IQ of three, and if intelligence is inherita- ble then there is no way that kid is ever going to read, and I mean EVER, no matter how much money their asshole parents blow on private tutors. Then there's the issue of just how the kid is supposed to sit still for after- school schooling when they've just spent six hours chained to those dinky desks that the public schools provide (the desks were designed for children in Dickens time, when malnutrition meant that ten-year-olds tended to be about the height of today’s two-year- old). No doubt the same shit-for- brains parents give their kid chocolate bars and Jolt for lunch and then won- der why the hyperactive, pre-diabetic little shit-monster can’t pay attention or learn how to read in school in the first place. By the time the yard-ape gets out of school, they've got more energy to burn than a space shuttle on the launch pad...and then the kid is supposed to go back to school after school for still more of the same crap, only one-on-one this time, so they can't hide in the back row playing leg wrestling with the kid next door. It’s a wonder the kid doesn’t kill the moon- lighting scab teacher at Sylvan and then go home and kill his parents. That’s probably what kids are learning how to do from watching television anyway and that’s just what some of them do! And then there’s whoever dreamed up this stupid-ass commercial. Obviously they think that parents who care about their children enough that they might consider sending them to a private after-school program are so thick that they going to be suckered by such an inane commercial. Clearly the managers of Sylvan and their mar- keters and everyone connected with the whole fruitless exercise in money- wasting are even more retarded than any fucking parent who would take that commercial seriously, because they didn’t get it for free; they actually paid a lot of real cash to have that crap commercial made. the other press a ASA RYANN So, that only leaves one question: would you send your child to a school run by people who are so barking mad that they would market that same school using a commercial that is so insulting to your intelligence? If you would, youre as retarded as they are, and if intelligence even smells of chro- mosomes, your kid has gotta be so hopelessly genetically deficient already that no amount of tutoring, money, or time is ever going to raise them above the performance level of a low-func- tioning hedgehog. You might as well just buy them that 21-inch monitor they've been pestering you for endless- ly, tie ‘em up in front of it, and let them be subliminally trained in stupid marketing strategies so that when they grow up into mirror images of the use- less excuses for adults their parents are, they can go out and milk all those ass- hole executives with money to spend on insulting sentimental shit like the Sylvan commercial! the Other Press’ bon Poll he OP Sepp ecans - Rude! not one of you on . last week's ’s pol asking if you brown banged: your lunches or ate in the cafeteria. This is nee data. C'mon p o le now, smile on your i Tue — lot of hate. os sue ct a ee © page 10