INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / NOVEMBER 27, 1990 College Updates Emergency Manual “G et the hell out.” That's the best advice anyone can follow if a fire alarm sounds at Douglas College, says Terry Leonard, Director of Facility Ser- vices. “When you hear the bells, get out and stay out. Do not attempt to go back in until you receive some type of signal,” Leonard says. The recently updated Douglas College Fire Safety, Build- ing Evacuation and Emergency Preparedness report provides in- formation about emergency situa- tions such as fires, earthquakes, bomb threats and hazardous chemical spills. It is “very important” that everyone reads the reference and user manuals, he says. Floor wardens have been designated to supervise orderly evacuation of their floors, to check stairwells, to report about the dis- position of any handicapped per- sons who may need assistance, and to prevent anyone from return- ing to the building until the fire chief has given permission to do sO. “If you're not a floor warden, the first thing you do is get out of the building. If you see someone, you tell them to get out too,” Leonard stresses. IMS is presently working on an audio signal that would be January 12, 1991 cs Ksieeeionel one 9:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. - - -Registration by Student Number ee ieiecsiet iene 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. . . -Registration by Student Number AEST Tener eee 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. . - -Registration by Student Number Ciel siieleeels cite 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. - - - » Weekend College Registration - » . - (new students without courses) oeeierons louse els 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. . . - » Weekend College Registration Cis ale iet ahs teife lea) cious (all students) oo eee ee oe oe eo we eo wo wm mo we we ee ee oe eee eco ee eee eo we ew Ce ey If you have any questions, please give me a call. Brenda Walton, Assistant Registrar Group/Priority Registration 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. used to tell people it is safe to return inside. “Until then, we’ve go bullhorns,” Leonard says. The report is an update of the first major emergency procedures report, which Leonard drafted in 1986. “This is the second revision,” he says. “It’s drafted every two years.” New additions include day care procedures, earthquake infor- mation, and information which was previously posted in class- rooms but was not read. The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System has also been implemented at Douglas College. Procedures for use have been distributed to all depart- ments using or storing hazardous materials. A video tape and information package about WHMIS will be used to train new employees and as a refresher for established employees, Leonard says. The manuals should be read by everyone, but here are some helpful hints from the reference “manual: ® Become familiar with evacuation routes designated on the evacua- tion signage. ® Know who your designated Floor Warden is and be prepared to assist her/him if requested. © Avoid using elevators if an alarm is sounding. ® Close doors behind you to prevent a fire from spreading. © Learn where the nearest fire extin- guisher is located. Use it only on the materials it is designed to extin- guish. ® Take all bomb threats seriously and try to obtain as much informa- tion from the caller as you can. @ Seek cover under a desk or table in the event of an earthquake. If you are in the concourse, cover your head and attempt to shelter against walls or in doorways away from glass windows. Do not try to run from the building. @