dhe aL Afler losing to a tough Quebec team, ihe women's team battled back to a 7th place standing. Competition is tough when other team's players are as tall as the men's teams. Good try Richard Norman and team! The Douglas College men’s basketball team lost only two games during the entire tournament and those were to silver medalist, Quebec, and gold medalist, Nova Scotia. British Columbia came home with BRONZE MEDALS. A big congratulations to our team and coach Steve Beauchamp. Douglas College was the host of the Fraser Valley “AA” High School Boy's Basketball Championships (February 25 - 28). | would like to thank everyone who made this task possible with such short notice. |. The instructors who moved their classes. 2. The teams who moved their prac- tices. 3. Dave Dalcanale and Andrew Con- way who took on much of the physical labour. 4. The B.S.W.'s who, uncomplainingly, put up with masses of people wander- ing through the institution. 5. Security who are talented enough to expel drunks and help fix the PA system. If | have forgotten anyone, | apologize, but | am not accustomed to this many people in our gym. On Saturday night, 1400 people packed the gymnasium and watched Centennial defeat Seaquam by ONE POINT on a free throw in the last 28 seconds. Hopefully, the “AA's” will come back to Douglas College next year. Betty Lou Hayes DOUGLAS COLLEGE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM B.C.’s Representative to the Canada Winter Games Back Row (from left to right): Lorraine Marken, Andrea Jackson, Brenda Cope, Linda Buchanan, Loretta Isaak, Ethel Atte. Front Row (from left to right): Sue Shaw (Manager), Linda Elgstron, Sharlene Jefferson, Nicole Koevets, Kim Phipps, Joanne Taylor, Richard Norman (Coach). i