DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MADHATTER PAGE 3 REPORT TO BOARD (Cont.) and administration of the College, as well as the faculty, in ensuring the registration working smoothly, with an appropriate amount of concern and attent- ion for our new and returning students. Classes have started, in most cases with full seats and overloads. Full inform- ation will be available to the Board in due course from the Dean of Educational and Student Services. It is increasingly likely that the College will have moved its educational programs into the new building by the end of October, although certain College functions will probably move in thereafter as a matter of educational convenience, rather than as required because of construction. In the Meantime, the great overload of students with which the College is dealing at the moment has been accommodated, through the very cooperative efforts of faculty, educational administration, and the staff of the Physical Plant & Site Services Department. Especial mention is appropriate of Pat Thomasson, Manager, Site Operations at Winslow, and her staff. W. L. Day A BIG THANK YOU A BIG THANK YOU TO STAFF, FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS OF DOUGLAS COLLEGE. From the Office of the Registrar and the Admissions Staff we take great pleasure in thanking everyone who assisted us during the Registration of the Fall Semester 1982. Your help was most appreciated, and we look forward for your assistance with the Spring Registration. ae MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Sub-Coenmittee on Facilities Use Policy Notes to Meeting of Sept. 14. 1. The Committee agreed to request input from the internal College cammunity on the.draft policies presented to Management Committee on July 6 by West Graydon. 2. In requesting input, it was agreed that the Procedures, Rules and Regulations drafted by West would be attached for information to the College community but that commentary on these Procedures, Rules and Regulations. would not be requested. The input from all sectors of the College to the Committee is to be requested for October — 20 at which time the sub-Committee will make any revisions to the policy required as a result of the input and recommendation to the Procedures, Rules and Regulations. The suggested Policies and accompanying documents will be. presented to Management Committee for its November 2 meeting. The sub-—Cammittee will recammend to Management that the final revision of the policy be referred to EPPCO for its November 10 meeting and subsequently to the College Board (via the appropriate sub-committee (s) ) for the November 18 meeting. The committee views the establishment of Procedures, Rules and Regulations as a Management function which follows an adoption of policy. 3. The committee discussed the need to provide cost estimates to groups re- questing the use of College space for the period January--August/83. Jim Doerr agreed to formally request that Management Committee authorize West