April 8, 1980 ATTENTION STUDENTS: Student Placement now has information on the As- sociation of Student Coun- cil’s(A.O.S.C.) Student Work Abroad Programmes (S.W.A.P.). ; If you are planning to attend Douglas College as a full-time student for the 1980 Summer semester you may be eligible to work on the Work-Study Program at $4.50/hr. There will be 10 part-time positions avail- able located on _ various campuses. If you are inter- ested in applying for these positions you can call the Financial Aid Office at 588- 4411, local 277 or Student Placement at 521-4851, loc 269 for more information. BARTENDER A Pizza Parlour in Delta requires a bartender to work on weekends. Appli- cants must be over 19 years of age. Duties include wait- ing on tables and serving beer or wine. Location: 120th St. in Delta. Wage: Minimum wage’ to start. ; Hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Ex- act hours T BA. Contact: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, loc 269 in NW for a referral. RESTAURANT WORKER A Vegetarian Restaurant in Richmond requires a person to work behind their sandwich counter making health-food sandwiches. Prefer applicants who have an interest in health-food. Applicants must be clean and well-groomed and able to work with the general public. Training will be pro- STUDENT ASSISTANCE TASK FORGE vided. Location: Richmond. Hours: M-F, 11:30am-2:30 pm - Hours: 2:30pm. Wage: $3.00/hr Contact: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, loc 269 in NW for a referral. RETAINER/VANCOUVER SUN NEWSPAPER The Vancouver Sun newspaper currently has an opening for a person tc deliver newspapers to resi- dents in the New West- minister area. A car is re- quired for this position and applicants must also pos- sess a valid driver’s li- cense. This is a part-time, “‘on-call’’ position. Location: NW Hours: 3:30pm-6:00pm on weekdays & 12:30-5:30pm weekends. raat Wage: $5.50/hr plus ex- penses for car. Contact: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, loc 269 in NW for a referral. TEMPORARY . VOLUNTEER WORK The Grade 7 class of the Stride Elementary School: requires a Volunteer to ac- company them along with two Instructors on a three day camping trip to Alice Lake near Squamish. Food and a tent will be supplied. The Volunteer must pro- vide their own sleeping bag, etc. The Volunteer will be responsible for organiz- ing some recreational activ- ities for the children on the trip. Duration of Employment: May 28, 29 & 30. No.3 Road- in M—F, 11:30am- need; governments; a e The Federal-Provincial Task Force on Student Assistance is reviewing current and proposed alternative programs for post-secondary Canadian student assistance related to a student’s financial e written views are invited from the public. These may deal with any or all aspects of * student assistance including alternatives for the continuation, modification or replacement of existing policies and programs of both federal and provincial e further information can be obtained from: . The Federal-Provincial Task Force on Student Assistance, P.O. Box 2211, Postal Station P, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2T2; ¢ closing date for submissions to the Task Force is June 1, 1980. Secretary Secrétariat of State r3 oes: d’Etat The Other Press Contact: Student Place- ment at 521-4851, loc 269 in NW for a referral. ASSISTANT TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR Applications are invited for the position of Assistant to the Building Inspector of the Squamish-Lillooet Re- gional District. This is a part-time position for the period of May 1st, 1980 to August 31, 1980. Applicants should be able to deal with the public _and building contractors and have a good working knowledge of Section 9 of the National Building Code 1977. A valid B.C. driver’s licence is essential. The person selected will be required to make inspec- tions of buildings under construction within the Re- gional District. The suc- cessful applicant will live in Lillooet, B.C. Applicants. will be re- quired to submit a Resume, stating their qualifications, experience and salary ex- pected. Deadline for sub- i mission of applications is April 20, 1980. Duties to j commence May 1, 1980. For a referral please con- tact the Student Placement - Office at 521-4851, loc 269 in NW. page fifteen Studentplacement521-4851 ‘Talent Hunt!. Canadian University Press will be launching a national four-colour campus magazine (200,000 circulation) in the fall of 1980, that will be distributed through member newspapers. Please include a brief resume, recent photo- graph, present address and telephone number, with forwarding address if applicable. Material will be returned only if accompanied by self- addressed stamped Writers, photographers envelope. and illustrators are invited to submit * Material samples of their work, should sketches, ideas and be sent outlines for consider- to: ation by the editorial board. Se aw =? <_— The National Campus Magazine Suite 202 126 York Street Ottawa, Ontario CanadaK1N 5T5