Art show features cross-genre two-artist show titled Classic Lines will run in the Amelia Douglas gallery from February 12 until March 6, and hopes are high that the wider appeal provided by two very different artists will provoke a good response from the Douglas College audience. Printmaker Irina Florov will be supplying Classic Lines with two-dimensional pieces, mixing pen and ink drawings with etchings and a variety of monoprints. A political refugee who left Bulgaria in the 1970s, Florov’s economical, figurative images play with sensuality and the female form. “I’m fascinated by the simplicity and elegance of line drawing,” says Florov. “And in either line drawing or etching, I am attracted by the possibilities of black & white. It can express mood and ideas better than colour; it allows for more intellectual searching.” Many of Florov’s pieces involve references to classical antiquities, but always in contemporary settings. A nude woman - reclining against a crumbling Grecian column, for example, shows both the continuity of the old civilizations as well as their limitations. “I come from a country that is very close to the classical land,” says Florov. “Perhaps I carry these images around subconsciously, because they keep showing up in my work.” Contrasting Florov’s playful, sometimes humorous style is the Greek-inspired on sculpture of Michelle Mathias. Intending to fuse modern anxieties with classical techniques, Mathias creates her clay sculptures to counterbalance what she believes to be dehumanizing architectural design. “My sculpture is a reaction against the poor urban planning and cheaply constructed architectural developments of our modern cities,” says Mathias, “I believe that sculptures of the human body celebrate man’s existence and act as a humanizing force.” Marty Sulek, a member of the Amelia Douglas Art Exhibit Committee, likes the contrast created by featuring two distinctly different artists in the same space. “The committee was looking to create some variety,” he says. “We need more turnout at the openings, so we decided to try varying the medium a bit. Incidentally, we also need people willing to serve on the committee, so people interested should come by for the opening and introduce themselves.” Classical Lines will run from February 12 to March 16, with an opening reception on February 22 from 4pm to 8pm featuring classical guitarist Charbell Bo Letef. Wine, cheese, and fruit will be served. I Chess Intrigue and other pieces of classically-inspired sculpture by Michelle Mathias will be joining the line art of Irina Florov at the Classic Lines show. Classical guitarist Charbell Bo Letef will be playing at the opening reception. 10 Raffle to support Nicaragua Solar Oven Project raffle to raise funds for the Ay Solar Oven Project has been organized by the Douglas College Nicaragua Committee and began on January 29. The project has been developed to help protect the environment, contribute to better health for people, and let the women of Nicaragua gain more control over their lives by promoting the construction and use of solar ovens. The draw will be held March 15. Tickets are $2 each and prizes are Grizzlies tickets and a like-new Toshiba laser printer. Tickets will be available at a booth in the concourse during some noon hours. You can also get them through committee members Al Atkinson, Mia Gordon, Gillies Malnarich, Cathy Cookson, Tad Hosoi, Jan Gara, Cecil Klassen, Jamie Gunn, Rob Linschoten, Tom Childs, Carmen Rodriguez, Jean Emerson, or Jeff McDonald. People can also make donations to the project and receive an income tax receipt through the Douglas College Foundation. The Solar Oven Project is a joint effort of the Nicaraguan Institute for Popular Education and Research (INIEP), the Nicaraguan Network for the Use of Alternative Energy Sources (RENICFAE), and the Central American Solar Energy Project (PROCESO). Douglas College has established a strong partnership with INIEP through a popular education training project funded by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. Talk to any of the committee members for more information about the project or the raffle. I