October 16, 1986. MAD HATTER 10 on Today, October 16, the Student Aid Task Force met at Douglas College. A number of presentations were made by College personnel. The organizers of the Task Force have asked me to thank the Board for Mr. Murnane's time and attention at the hearings. D. Internal Matters - Personnel A report from the Committee to review the structure and organization of our Applied Programs Division was made to me on schedule. | am now in the process of implementing the major element of recom- mendations - that the existing Nursing Department be divided into two new departments - the Department of General Nursing, and the Department of Psychiatric Nursing. I have instructed our Personnel Department to post these Director positions immediately, with the intent of filling them as soon as possible. A formal luncheon has been held in honour of the departure of Dr. Terry Clement, our Dean of Applied Programs. The advertisement for his successor should be appearing in the newspapers this weekend, and we intend to be filling the position as soon as possible. Another farewell gathering was held today in honour of Eileen Bowcott, one of our senior College clerical employees. Eileen for some years 9 has been working as the I-CARE Program Tutor/Coordinator. Her dedication and enthusiasm have been major factors in the program's long term success. She will be missed by us all, and we wish her well in her retirement. The first meeting has been held with the BCGEU for current contract negotiations. My understanding is that we have also received advice from Mr. Peck's office that the conditions agreed to in the current D/KFA contract are within guidelines. This will enable implementation of the contract immediately. WLD/gb