| pouGLAS COLLEGE || | ARCHIVES APPLICATIONS FOR GRADUATION (Spring 1986) Please be reminded that all students who qualify for graduation and wish to receive a diploma, certificate, or citation MUST APPLY FOR GRADUATION. Applications for Graduation are available in the Office of the Registrar. Please read the current calendar to see if you have sufficient credits to qualify. The deadline for graduation applications is FEBRUARY 3, 1986. —-— ene ELiaZ Women's Centre Workshops TIME MANAGEMENT FOR WOMEN This two-part introductory workshop is designed for women who are concerned about organizing their time effectively. Special emphasis will cover: a) Managing time at school and at home b) Maximizing short time slots c) Saving time with good effective notes d) Maximizing exam study time e) Night before and semester preparation DATE: Wednesday, January 22, 1986 and Wednesday, January 29, 1986 SESSIONS: 2 TIME: 1200 - 1300 hours ROOM: 4223 LEADER: SHERIDAN LADBROOK, INSTRUCTOR Reading and Study Skills Please pre-register with the Student Services receptionist in Room 2760 or call 520-5486. This workshop is offered in conjunction with -MAD HATTER 3 the Douglas College Reading and Study Skills Discipline. 2 KOK ok TEST ANXIETY FOR WOMEN Do you feel you know your subject matter but freeze each time you have to write an Exam? Does test anxiety prevent you from obtaining the marks you should have? This introductory workshop is designed to help participants control text anxiety by considering possible causes and by examining techniques for preventing or controlling anxiety symptoms. We will examine some general stress management techniques in relation to those stresses created specifically by tests. DATES: Thursday, February 6, 1986 and Thursday, February 13, 1986 SESSIONS: z TIME: 1200 - 1400 hours ROOM: TBA LEADER: MIA GORDON, COUNSELLOR Please pre-register with the Student Services receptionist in Room 2760, or call 520-5486. This workshop is offered in conjunction with the Douglas College Counselling Discipline. SCHOOLS EYE SPACE STUDIES An ambitious program to bolster Canada's role in space has been launched by Vancouver-based Young Astronaut’s Canada, a fledgling organi- zation which will be taking it's message to the New West Space Station in July and August this summer, seeking youthful recruits to wing their way into the heavens. .... continued on. page 4