DOUGLAS COLLEGE POLICY: RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES: EDUCATIONAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Accessibility to College Programs, Courses and Services for Students with Special Needs - Page 2 The Co-ordinator of Adult Special Education will be responsible to act as a consultant to faculty, students, staff, and administrators to assist in implementing the recommendations listed below: (a) The Director of Physical Plant and Site Services will ensure that all sites of Douglas College are accessible for students with specific handicapping conditions. (b) The Registrar will ensure that specific substitutions or adaptations for measuring admission requirements, including thresholds, will be made for students with specific handicapping conditions. (c) Based on specific recommendations and adequate support, faculty will be responsible for implementing adaptations to the instructional delivery system for students with specific handicapping conditions. (d) Based on specific recommendations and adequate support, faculty will be responsible for implementing agreed upon adaptations to assignments and methods of evaluation for students with specific handicapping conditions. APPROVAL DATES: Department: Division: College: Student Services and Developmental Education Curriculum & Planning Committee Educational and Student Services Curriculum and Planning Committee Educational Policy and Planning Committee College Board January 14, 1983 February 21, 1983 April 11, 1984 June 21, 1984