INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / JANUARY 24, 1989 successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at York University, Toronto, December 12, 1988. Please join Arts and Humanities in congratulating Dr. Leonard. IN THE BAG - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Every Wednesday, from January 25 to April 26th, 1200 to 1400 hrs., faculty are invited to drop in for a bit of stimulation over lunch in the Lower Cafeteria, Faculty/Staff Lounge (newly opened). Tentative Topics: Jan. 25- Importance of Mar. 15- TBA Transitions Mar, 22 - Teaching Adult Feb. 1- Creating Community in Leamers the Classroom Mar. 29- TBA Feb.8- Do We Teach or Do Apr.5- How Effective Am I or Students Learn? Do I Want to Know? Feb. 15- TBA Apr. 12- TBA Feb. 22- TBA Apr. 19- Grading Assignments Mar.1- Show and Tell: (Oh God?) Computer Software Apr. 26- TBA. Mar.8- TBA COME TO THE BASEMENT: Barbara Allen has been teaching computing at Douglas College for eight years now. Feeling the need to expand into other areas besides computers, she undertook to produce a new play written by a Vancouver actress, Meredith Bain Woodward. Briefly, the play is a comedy about a "y-couple" and their political involvement in the “global village", (or lack thereof). It is called The Basement, and stars Kelli Fox and David Bloom. Playing at R.J. Cristies’s, (315 E. Broadway at Kingsway), it started January 21 and runs to February 11th. On Wednesday and Thursday, show times are 8:00 pm., on Friday and Saturday, show times are 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Tickets are only $6.00 and reservations can be made at 737-0434. LIBRARY ORIENTATIONS: Booking forms for library orientations have been distributed to discipline convenors to pass on to instructors. Library orientations for students normally take one hour during which they complete a Library Lab to give them practical experience in using the library. The Labs are marked and retumed to the instructor. The Library keeps marks for one semester only, if students wish to demonstrate that a lab has been successfully completed prior to this semester. Library tours for students are also offered Monday to Friday at 1:00 pm. Please contact Jacquie Ticknor, Library Orientation Assistant, at local 2108 to book an orientation, or Jean Cockburn, Orientation Librarian, at local 2119 if you have any questions. New college employees are welcome to contact Jean Cockburn for a tour of the library. SR San eG RA LA % To: The Editor, Inside Re: Inside Briefs I will keep this "brief" as I have never been known to air my dirty linen in public; how- ever, I am disappointed to see that because of the complaints of one or two faculty/staff mem- bers, the cartoon in the "Inside" depicting briefs hanging on a wash line has been discontinued. Perhaps three or four facul- ty/staff/administration members could send a memo to ask to have it reinstated, or, if we believe in democracy, we could have a secret vote or a meeting to discuss this major educational problem, and its impact on education at Douglas College. I always felt a sense of humour was desirable while working at Douglas College, and I’m surprised that no one has asked that the continuing Saga of the Bonsai Moles be discontinued (forcing them underground!!) Finally, in the institutional self-study a few years ago, it was suggested that we have a bonfire in the concourse and burn all the memos in this build- ing. I therefore strenuously object to the new drawing at the head of the "Briefs" section of the "Inside". Chris Johnson.