Idols of peace —or pieces of shit? An investigation of Gandhi and other icons with allegedly messy pasts By Jessica Berget, Editor-in-Chief and Janis McMath, Assistant Editor Ba we dive into this piece, we want to state the disclaimer that we do not intend to say that controversial figures with alleged problematic pasts should be totally discounted and ignored because of their faults. With this piece, our main intent is to highlight that figures that many idolize are also human, and flawed—and we want to highlight that any claim that they are perfect or worthy of a reputation that implies as such should be refuted. Whenever any of us plan to identify ourselves with and praise figures, we must ensure that we acknowledge their short- comings too— otherwise we represent them incorrectly. Our icons can be flawed, but we cannot ignore those flaws. Ignoring our idol’s shortcomings while simultaneously praising them is to normalize, accept, and to some extent, align ourselves with that bad behaviour. So just in time for Gandhi's birthday on October 2, here are a few people associated to freedom, peace, and liberation that have allegations of terrible actions pit against them.