the hide out cafe Ce ae hide out early 4 a 7 et fresh? fa bird feature: 8 am -— llam Scrambled eggs, with sausage*, homemade hashbrowns and your choice of white, whole Follow us to stay up-to-date wheat or 16 grain bahia ste Meyers eet ae yo sprouted grain bread paper, Douglas College, and around town! only $5.99 beverage selection, variety o j= Warm: Wi-Fi access : inviting: HKe RO GRECO lite) Mle\41O) (0 0. \menvO.6 | Pecks KS aaa ois, UFO ibe ke "4 \ ( Se S18 S j4 Met = ‘e fi One ol o BIA) son ae ek se pe Re Raise JID LS 6 00 ole LOnen els V1 nO. mo legle le eenee ARIA NEN On SA acess ssel on Pasi A L a a Monthly Soonsors Nie z tor |Aocies for a'! Douglas eas SS si i sien ike Coyote Ugly on the bar fee Bical, 57 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER Bi P:604.522,.001 1 F: 604.522.054