| November 30, 1994 On the bird Royals take 2nd place in 2nd tourney by Ken Spittel The first tournament of the badminton season was held Nov. 12 at Capilano College. With unexpected competition from teams like BCIT and Capilano, Douglas placed fourth over all. Individually, Tosca Lueks placed 1st in women’s singles. Kevin Legge, a rookie this year, finished 2nd in men’s singles. On November 19th, the Royals played their second tournament at BCIT. Lots of hard work paid off as they placed second overall. “We did a lot of training inbetween tournaments,” stated Dak Ban, the As- sistant Coach. “T think it is important not to anticipate your opponent and be ready for anything.” Coach Peter Chen said to me while at the last tournament. The philosophy paid off. Douglas Badminton rookie Kevin Legge doesn't turn his back on his teammates. Legge finished second in men's singles at the Nov 12 Cap College tourney. The club's aim is to facilitate the exchange of language, ideas and culture. We publish a monthly newsletter, the editor of which is Shaun Lee who can be contacted at 650-6734. All submissions: photos, graphics, artwork, or writing in any language are welcomed. 75 3 2 76 22 y 116 Wo omen’ S s basketball Novi8 Dougie 55 ‘Two 62 50 Nov. 19 Douglas The Other Press well, has missed four Maple Leaf games since then, citing “an unbearable emptiness and total despair” since the incident. Gino Odjick has announced his retirement from soccer, saying he just doesn’t have the passion in him anymore. “I miss the White Caps,” said the obvi- ously confused Canuck, cur- rently serving a thirty-game suspension for spearing a referee. “Yeah, those were the good old days,whien the Cosmos.andthe Caps would shake it down. - eee Om he I know you’re excited... I know you want it... here it is: The OP Hockey Pool Update! First of all, we’d like to congratulate Douglas Col- lege student Megin Alvarez for winning the second Hockey Pool Prize Package. Megin will receive a gift certificate from Black Dog Billiards for free pool and lattés, dinner for two at the Spaghetti Factory, a copy of Gordie, the new Gordie Howe biography courtesy of Douglas & Maclntyre, a Rolling Stone t-shirt and CD single from Virgin Records, as well as CDs from Material Issue, One, and Sara Craig. Congrats, ini Now, on with the hockey news.. he may try to get he’s been hearing so much George W. Filibuster, a 1 specialise in ports medicine and Lemieux’s personal physician, held a press con- ference on Monday to make the declaration. “No hu- man being could have this much wrong with them and perform like he does,” surmised Filibuster. “The av- erage human would be ‘unable to drool with all of these ilments, yet Mario-just.keeps on'ticking. I think he’s ort of alien invader, myself.” NHL consultant aye agrees, saying it’s been known by officials Pittsburgh’ s first Stanley:Cup win ears ago; Kaye ‘Says that slow motion replays emieux using some sort of heat vision to melt nderneath opposing players” feet, and occasion- ausing at the bench to eat small rodents whole. eux was unavailable for comment, and is ru- ed to be vacationing at his summer home on Mars. Okay, have a good Non-Religiously-Associated- mmercial-Gift-Giving-Holiday, and we’ll see you ‘athe new year! wingers s both cited: steroids, evotts and Pete Jose SPIAHOR Se. oe spe a New York Ranger Brian Leetch has bee for nine games by the league for a Novembe: tion with Toronto Maple Leaf Nikoli Bore’ in the second period, Leetch flagrantly called B “a stupid dork.” NHL Vice-president Bri nounced the attack, calling for “an end to abuse. It gives the players, the league, an a bad rep. Besides, Nikoli’s a sensitive ki apologized to Borchevsky and admits tha who should share and play better with others. Borchevs yo