TO: Everyone FROM: Supervisor, Personnel Administration RE: SUMMER HOURS Effective Monday 6 May, 1974, the College will go on "summer hours". That is, normal business hours will be 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. All departments will make the change. Purchasing Depart- ment will issue Purchase Orders for the required amount of additional sunshine. Have a nice summer. ’ N. S. (Hill Supervisor, Personnel Administration - sal DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES To: Supervisor, Personnel Admin. From: M. M. Endacott, Purchasing Ret P.0.'s. for Additional Sunshine Orders placed, have received customer confirmation with following notation: "Due to unprecedented consumer demands - our stock of sunshine has been depleted. New delivery date is five months from receipt of order. Price subject to change at time of invoice due to rapidly rising costs which we must unfortunately pass on to our customers. As Douglas College is one of our preferred customers, rest assured that your order will be filled at earliest possible date." TU HIGHLIGHTS Sunday MAY 5, 1974 10:00 (9) NOVA—Science Monkey business is a serious affair for scientists working with Washoe, a chimpanzee who has been taught to communicate through sign language. This report traces Washoe’s progress, from her first words to “conversa- tions” with humans. Also shown is re- search with other chimps, including one who has been taught to form sen- tences on a computer panel. (60 min.) MAY 6, 1974 Monday 10:30 @ MAN ALIVE — ‘Values_and the Individual,”’ first_of a three-part examination of human val- ues—why they are needed and how they change. Author Dame Rebecca West (‘‘The Meaning of Treason’) ex- presses her views on the meaning of human values and how they should be transmitted from one generation to the next. Roy Bonisteei is the series host. (Repeat) be eee : Wednesday MAY 8, 1974 10:30 @ TARGET THE IMPOSSIBLE —Science The possiblity of correctly Predicting earthquakes with more accuracy than weather forecasting by the end of the decade ____ that's the target probed in “To Predict and Control Earth- quakes: Coping with Mother Nature's Bumps and Grinds." Guest: geophysi- cist Barry Raleigh of the U.S. Geologi- cal Survey. Henry Ramer is’the series ° narrator. (Repeat)