INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 31, 1989 Japan Horticulture study and Culture Tour Fraser Valley College, in cooperation with the College and University Partnership Program (CUPP International) is sponsoring an 18 day Horticulture Study and Culture program in Japan, from May 7-24, 1990. Centrepiece for the tour is the International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Expo ’90 at Osaka. Eligible participants include: College and university horticulture faculty and research staff, College and university horticulture stu- dents, landscape architects, nur- serymen, florists and others in related professions. For more information, contact Karola Stinson, Coordinator, Inter- national Education Programs, Fraser Valley College, 33844 King Rd, RR2, Abbotsford B.C. V2S 4N2, 853-7441 or FAX 853-9990. @ Inside Douglas College is published weekly September through April and bi-monthly May through August by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions are accepted typewritten or on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, Room 4840, 527-5323 at the New Westminster campus. Announcing the B.C. Local Histories Project The B.C. Heritage Trust has generously funded, through the B.C. Library Association, a project to search out all local histories writ- ten about communities in B.C. The end result will be an annotated bib- liography indexed by geographical location, subject, author and title. It will be available both in publish- ed form and on computer through the University of B.C. Library. The project has been organized and is being supervised by Jean Barman, Assistant Professor, and Linda Hale, Canadian Childhood History Project Bibliographer, at the Depart- ment of Social and Educational Studies, University of B.C. The bibliography will greatly assist research and scholarship on B.C. Up to the present time no sys- tematic means exists to locate local histories, some of which have been privately printed in small numbers in the geographical area which they are about. Many are long out of print. Local histories, while un- even in coverage and quality, con- tain a wealth of information otherwise unavailable concerning the many hundreds of small settic- ments that have existed over time, often in geographical isolation, across B.C. The bibliography will make it possible to examine a variety of subjects about which we still know far too little, including the distribution of non-Native set- tlement across B.C., actual means of livelihood and emergence of social institutions beyond the province's urbanized southwestern tip and the everyday lives of women and children. For the bibliography to be as complete as possible, assistance is sought from everyone — re- searchers, librarians, lovers of local history, authors, genealogists and all others — aware of the existence of local histories about their com- munity or some other area of B.C. Can you help? The project or- ganizers are particularly concerned to learn about smaller, older and more obscure publications that may be tucked away on a back book shelf. Basic bibliographic in- formation (author, title, publisher, place and date of publication, ac- tual location of a copy) should be sent to Jean Barman or Linda Hale, Department of Social and Educa- tional Studies, Faculty of Educa- tion, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z5. All assistance will be acknowledged in the completed bibliography, to be available by the fall of 1990. For further information, please contact Jean Barman at 228-5331. briefs MONEY * MONEY * MONEY or, Such a Deal! O All College employees and their friends now have access to quite remarkable prices on TV, stereo, video (VCR), microwave ovens, fax machines, telephones, etc. The cost to you is the dealer wholesale price, plus $10 for han- dling. Full factory warranty. A cur- rent example is a Toshiba remote TV on sale everywhere at $699; your cost $549. For a catalogue and other details, phone me at local 5456, or at home at 294-4557. Murray Leslie FOR SALE O New 3-drawer filing cabinet,. grey, 15x18x40 inches. $75.00. 3-litre Rival Crockpot, $25.00. Krups Juicer, $40.00. Call Tatsuo Hoshina at 531-3175.