INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 30, 1990 Douglas/Kwantien Twinning ffective immediately, Douglas College’s Faculty Professional Development Workshop Series and end of semester events will be open to faculty from Kwantlen College. This opening is in response to an initiative which grew out of discus- sions between the two colleges last year. Douglas College’s College-Wide Professional Development Commit- tee voted unanimously to make up to 40% of available seats accessible by advanced registration to Kwantlen faculty. The committee hopes, in taking this decision, to double professional development activities for Douglas faculty. In addition, the presence of Kwantlen faculty will provide alternative and potentially broadening perspectives on teaching and learning issues at Douglas College. Se Group Advising Sessions Schedule All sessions start gay at times advertised and are approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free and pre-registration is not required. Ali sessions are held at the New Westminster campus unless otherwise stated. OCTOBER 29 — NOVEMBER 2 Nursing= Psychiatric 2 s5 66 5 is ce ce pe ces ees Monday, October 29 1000 hours Room 4221A Heather Computer Information Systems Program .........-., Tuesday, October 30 0830 hours Room 4221A Lorraine Business Management Career Programs ......... » Tuesday, October 30 Certificate and Lig ing 1630 hours (Acc., Gen. Bus., Mrk. Mgmt.) Room 3820 Heather Community Social Service Worker Program ....... Wednesday, October 31 0900 hours Room 2803 Linda Long Term Care Aide Programs .............. Wednesday, October 31 oe & Upgradin 1400 hours Home Support Worker Training Program Room 4223 Georgina First-Year Science - University Transfer .......... Thursday, November | Including major requirements and 0830 hours pre-entry requirements for Room 4221 professiona! programs Lorraine Developmental Education ...........0050-s0085 Friday, November 2 oe Preparation, 0830 hours Developmental Studies, General Studies, Room 422i1A Gr. 12 equivalency/completion Georgina Early Childhood Education Program ............-. Friday, November 2 1400 hours Room 3825 Linda Dm You Know...? e « @ The Douglas College cafeteria is used for training stu- dents in the Food Services Option of the Basic Occupation- al Education Program. The program provides vocational skill training to adults who have special learning needs, and rely on specialized training techni- ques to prepare students for competitive employment. In the cafeteria, students are trained to perform entry-level food ser- vice tasks such as dishwashing, kitchen maintenance, and some basic food preparation. On- campus training is also provided in laboratories and classrooms. Do you know any interesting facts about Douglas College? Please send your suggestions via campus mail to the Insider. & Humanities © Institute Fall Schedule Room 2203 (Lecture Theatre) 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, November 7 “Is Sexism Alive and Well in the 90's?” — Liz Wilson Wednesday, November 28 “Education in the United Arab Emirates” — Gerry Della Mattia Please announce these _ presentations to your class.