INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / AUGUST 21, 1990 please call 527-5472 or local 3001 to register between 10:00 and 4:30 daily. Quote course # V903-31101F. COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS * OCTOBER TH11Customer Service Training, 0900-1600, Room TBA This workshop is designed for any employee who is required, on a regular basis, to interact with the public. Oppor- tunities will be made available for par- ticipants to explore ways techniques for providing high quality service and for deal- ing with difficult or hostile clients. Pre- registration is required - contact Personnel (5440). M22What’s the Difference, 0900-1200, Room TBA Using the most used personality question- naire in North America, you will discover your own preferences and how you can both capitalize on your strengths and accept and appreciate those different from yourself. Ex- amples and discussion questions will deal with both work and personal situations. * NOVEMBER TH1Working Together, 0900-1600, Room TBA This workshop provides an introduction to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which can help you to determine and appreciate your own personality type and also appreciate the gifts that others bring to communication and problem-solving. SUPERVISORY SKILLS/MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT * OCTOBER TH2SInterviewing and Selection of Staff (for Supervisors and Managers) 0900 - 1200, Room TBA This workshop is designed for managers and supervisors who are responsible for the recruitment and selection of staff. Par- ticipants will discuss interview and selection strategies and the impact of Human Rights legislation on the selection process. Pre- registration is required - contact Personnel (5440). F23Effective Supervision - A Basic Tool Kit for Supervisors: A Workshop Focusing on Supervision in a Union Environment, 0900-1600, Room TBA This workshop is designed for new super- visors, experienced supervisors who are seeking formal training, and managers responsible for the direction and/or training of supervisors. Methods will include small group discussion, use of case studies, video clips, and opportunities to practice new skills with peer feedback. Pre-Registration is required - please call Personnel (local 5440). Shab ab abba bb ab pap If you have any questions with regard to any of the above workshops or if you re- quire clarification with respect to eligibility please contact the Personnel and Labour Relations Department, local 5440. PREVIEW OF FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Following are examples of activities which are being planned for the Fall 1990 Semester: Internal ¢ Learning Styles * Community Exchange Program * The Role of the Consumer (the Garbage Lady) ¢ Instructional Media Services Open House and Workshops ¢ In House Computer Supports to Classroom * The Future — History Planning Process ¢ Women’s Ways of Knowing * Faculty Performance Review Process External * Getting the Most From Students’ Writing — SFU * How Am I Teaching? — SFU ¢ Classroom Research — OK * Cooperative Learning — BCIT ¢ (Johnson Bros) Details will be printed in this column, in the Faculty Professional Development Newsletter or call Eugene Hrushowy, Faculty Professional Development Consultant (local 5122). il 9 —_