MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 14, 1981 | - at \ TO: Management Committee ARCHIVES FROM: Bill Day RE: "LETTERS OF INTENT" The letter of intent to the Ministry of Education regarding coilege desires to get involved in new curriculum or program areas is a very important oreliminary steo in gaining long-term support. |. propose that we send any letters of inteme to Or. Grant Fisher, Associate Deputy Minister - Post Secondary. Copies of the letter would go to the appropriate Executive Director or Directors, and to the aporoporiate Council. As the letter would be sent to Or. Fisher, it should go under my signature, but be orepared by the originating Division. Subsequent discussions would likely occur at the Executive Director level or below, and therefore the original letter of intent should contain the name of the acoropriate Dean so that response oy Ministry personnel can be aimed to the correct Division. A standard sentence in such letters might be ''The responsibility for further t ment and communications in ragard to this project has been assigned to it 6 w oO no cy th (f w@< 3 Oo ! would appreciate the comment and aporoval of the Managerent Committee. Aba. Bill Day Public Copying Services in order to cover increasing costs, the following recommendation rom Gerry DellaMatctia, Dean of Educational and Student Services, was aporoved by Managemenc Committee at its July |4th meeting: nH THAT coin aperated copying machine charges oe raised From $0.05 to 30.!0 per page, and THAT where sopying is done by 2a clerk at a non-coin machine, charges be $0.10 for students and Faculty, and $0.25 for the puolic. The latter half of the morion, pertaining to non-coin machines, applies cto the Agnes Site, of course, as coin machines exist at our other ocations. APPROVED AT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING CF JULY 14, 1981