NARS DOLL, SELON TTR METI ENTE I ft I CURLERS WANTED Would you like to curl for fun and relaxation? Would you like to learn in friendly company? The mixed "B" Curling League at the Royal City Curling Club in New Westminster is looking for new members to swell their ranks - regular and spares. The 1980-81 season begins Oct. 4/80 at 2:30 p.m. and alternates 2:30 p.m. with 7 p.m. on subsequent Saturdays. If you are interested, please contact Fran Johnson at 524-4585 evenings or at 588-4411 loc. 265 after Sept. 29th. Good curling! FALL SEMESTER DATES I would like to bring to your attention the scheduled dates and deadlines for various items in the Fall semester. Please consult the College Calendar (available through any Admissions Office) and ensure that you are aware of all deadlines and holiday closings during the Fall semester. Particularly, please note the December 5-10 schedule of final class dates which is part of the College effort to ensure that missed classes due to holidays are made up. .....-Ken Battersby LOST - FOUND - STRAYED - STOLEN Douglas College New Westminster Campus has been fortunate in most areas of public safety and criminal activity. Losses have been relatively small. Nevertheless, every semester faculty, staff and students lose many dollars in cash and kind, not to speak of the time and inconvenience from the disappearance of private and institutional property. Many of the Campus population do not seem to care enough to take pre- cautionary measures. For those that do,the following suggestions will reduce the liklihood of loss and aid recovery; a) Mark all personal possessions with both SIN number and drivers license number. b) Don't leave your belongings lying about. c) Report missing/lost items immediately to either or both campus switch- board in the 100 Bldg. and/or the Campus Resource Centre in the 500 Bldg - the Cafeteria. d) Upon completing a course or semester at Douglas leave a forwarding address. While found articles are usually turned in within 48 hours at most, keep checking back as items do sometimes take a while to reappear. Faculty/Staff are cautioned not to consider their office secure as every semester radios, purses and wallets disappear from unlocked offices and desks. In respect to bicycles and the like the watchword is the same LOCK IT OR LOSE IT! Help us to help you - be security conscious Protect yourself and your belongings fs eae Ken McCoy a