During the course of the hearings it became clear that the parties need to be in closer communication on the administration of educational and professional leave matters, Toward that end, I recommend as follows: 3 (iii) That the parties strike a joint committee to monitor the application of the educational and professional development leave provisions of the agreement and to advise the College from time to time on potential improvements in their adniinistration, Work Load and Student Contact-lHours. The request of the Association is for a reduction in student contact-hours from the present levels (ranging between 30 hours per week to 25 hours) to not mere than 20 student contact-hours for classroom teaching. They also proposed a number of alternatives designed to at - least partially accomplish the same objective. Of all the issues placed before me, I find the whole question of work loads and student contact-hours to be the most compicx. The evidence before mie is that a reduction in contact-hours to a maximum of 20 hours per week would require approaimately 90 additional } instructors at a cost of approximately 1 1/4 million do} based on 1973 salary levels. faced with a number of mandatory legislative reguirements in some of its programmes and in others, it is locked-in as a result of negotiated agreements. complicated by the lack of adequately trained instructors which would be needed to bring about such a reduction. a third party, it is extremely difficult for me to assess the full impact of my recommendation Iimight make, lars, In addition, the College is The issue is further -8- After a careful review of the submissions made to me, 6. Jam of the opinion that sorne reduction in classroom teaching hours is both desirable and possible. For example, it appears that in the College Foundations Programme teaching hours could be reduced wes the present 25 hours to 20 hours without seriously reducing the standard of service to students. But Tam nct ina position to recommend how such 2 change should be implemented. Given the variety of programmes offered by the College, it is not possible for me to assess the budgetary as well as educational consequences ofa blanket reduction in classrcora teaching hours, ‘ In the circumstances, I recornmend as follows: That the partics strike a joint committee to stucy alternative ways and means of . moving towards a reduction in classroom teaching hours, includiag an assessment of both the budgetary and educational implications of the various alternatives, I recommend further that the joint committee explore the possibility of phasing a reduction in contact-hours Over a two-year budgetary period to provide an Opportunity for the necessary financial adjustments. To ensure that such a study proceed expeditiously, I recommend that the parties work to a deadline for the report of the committee of not later than March 3let, 1975. «9s Vacation Allowances - Divisional Chairnien: This item pertains to the four Divisional Chairmen at the Vancouver Vocational Institute. These positions were approved by the College on July 19, 1971, and resulted from a joint study by the parties. It was agreed at that time that Divisional Chairmen would be entitled to statutory and vacation holidays of the administrative staff level. Currently that amounts to 25 days per year, but in addition they receive 8. 3% of annual salary. The purpose of this latter arrangement is to Give them a benefit equivalent to that of instructors. The objective of the Association is to provide the same vacation entitlenient to Divisional } Chairmen and to eliminate the concept of an cguivalent benefit in dollars, In considering this matter, I note that the Divisional Chairmen are and must remain at all times members of the Association. In addition to their acdmniaistrative dutses, they may carry up to one-quarter of an instructional load, The College is concerned that extending the vacation entitlement will meag that the Divisional Chair:nan's administrative responsibilities will €O unsttended for too long a period. I agree that an imimediate increase in vacations from the present level to the 44 gay level of instructors would cause a considerable hardship to the College, doth in terms of the cost of Providing responsible deputies and in terms of providing effective administration, Taking all of these matters into account, I recommend as follows: That vacation entitlement of Divisional Chairmen for 1974 be set at 25 days + 8.3% of annual salary and further, that eftective January Ist, 1975, vacation entitiernent be set at 30 days + 5.8% of annua) salary.