+ aha Division of Continuing Education DOUGLAS ° PEGE LISKARY . “os % ARC MVD The University Of Calgary OF CALGARY Courses for Senior Citizens at The Kerby Building The Romantic History of the West A survey of Western Canadian History embracing the fur trade, the native people, the birth of the provinces, immigration and settlement, and the dramatic trans- formation of a countryside in little more than one generation. Dr. Grant MacEwan Department of History, The University of Calgary FEE: $5.00 (ineludes one textbook and materials) This course is open to everyone regardless of education background and will consist of a series of ten one-and-one-half hour lectures. Enrollment is limited; register early to avoid disappointment. LOCATION: Kerby Building, 1133 - 7th Avenue S.W., Calgary DATES: Monday and Tuesday June 23 and 24, 1975 Tuesday and Wednesday - July 1 and 2, 1975 Tuesday and Wednesday - July 8 and 9, 1975 Tuesday and Wednesday - July 15 and 16, 1975 Tuesday and Wednesday - July 22 and 23, 1975 TIMES: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon every day REGISTRATION: To register, please complete the attached registration form and mail, together with yous) fats 5O2 i peceanad of Continuing Education The University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 This course ts made possible through the financial assistance of the Department of Advaneed Education, Province of Alberta. ee ee i eee Se Se See Se Se eee ee Be ee eee Se ee Bee Ee ee eee ee ee eee ee Oe eee Oe ee wee ewe ew OO RK ee ee ee ee eee Se ee ee ew ee Division of Continuing Education - Registration Form THE ROMANTIC HISTORY OF THE WEST COURSE NUMBER: 4825-75 FEE: $5.00 Name Phone Address Postal Code Which Senior Citizen Centre do you attend? (if any) Fee in full must accompany registration. Remit by cheque or money order payable in Canadian funds to: THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY. (