Shis issue: (YW New Westminster station flashmob proposal cancelled ICES) ae (le |e elm DLol le Fels (Y Cards Supporting Humanity And more! Been told you're too funny? Contact: Sharon Miki, Humour Editor M4 www New Westminster station flash mob proposal cancelled » Man realizes ring too ‘precious’ to waste on girlfriend Sharon Miki 4 Humour Editor 4 humour Das already having paid rental deposits on a smoke machine and a T-shirt cannon, a Coquitlam man left nearly a dozen participants disappointed : when he called off a planned flash mob proposal on Friday January 24, after becoming too to give it up. Douglas College arts student, originally from Middle Earth, placed multiple ads on Craigslist to solicit participants for his planned proposal to girlfriend Cindy Lou, 29. “I’m going to do this whole thing where we're walking to the Safeway at the station, you know, and then all of asudden everyone will start singing “Marry You’ by Bruno Mars and yadda, yadda, yadda—t’ll give her the ring and she'll be stuck with me,” explained Smith in the Craigslist ads, which have now been taken down. However, when Smith showed up with Lou at Health authority branches out : the SkyTrain station at the : appointed time on Friday, he : madea last-minute decision to : terminate the proposal plans. Onlookers say that Smith : began shouting and convulsing : ina feral manner, while : clutching a plain gold ring to : : his chest. “Leave now, and never : : come back!” : : “My precious...” said Smith, : : when captured ona bystander’s : : iPhone. “We wants it, we needs attached to the engagement ring : it- Must have the precious! Nearly a dozen planned Gollum Smith, a 34-year-old participants in the flash mob, : including Lou’s mother and : sister, were left disenchanted : and dumbfounded at Smith’s : cancellation. “Well, I'ma little : disappointed for Cindy,” said : Lou’s mother, Bernice, 65. “But : if this is how Gollum’s goingto : : act, I guess it’s better we find out : : now. Not very gentlemanly.” : “Also... the ring isn’t even : that nice” added Lou’s sister, : Janice, with a lot of attitude. : : “Yellow gold is a bit passé—and, : like, where were the diamonds?” : : boyfriend was going to propose : to her, but then called it off “T learned all the words to : a Bruno Mars song for this. I’m : not very happy,’ added Craigslist : : participant Jake Rakellet. Upon realizing that her while screaming like a monster, : Cindy Lou left the scene in a : total huff. into cookbook publishing » Says new book will revolutionize cooking for the enemy Smith hasn’t been heard : from since the incident and : has not answered requests for : follow up interviews. His only communication has been on : social media, where he tweeted How to Sophie Isbister Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle I: order to combat provincial government cuts to health care and raise more funds, Vancouver Seaside Health announced Thursday that they will be selling a cookbook titled How to Cook Food for People You Don’t Really Like That Much. The cookbook, which features recipes devoid of the flavour-enhancing chemical known as salt, will be available on, in bookstores everywhere, and of course at all hospital gift shops. Some hotly anticipated recipes from the book include boiled vegetables, rice, and cold tea (made by boiling water and then allowing it to sit until cold). Mrs. Bradshaw in the hip trauma unit raves about the book: “I just don’t know how they make the food taste so awful!” she says, adding that she looks forward to purchasing her copy upon her release from the hospital so that she can cook a lumpy pudding for her daughter-in-law. Ronald Porcupine, of Porcupine Publishing, believes the book will sell well, citing a recent trend in diet and cookbooks designed to make food taste absolutely inedible. Porcupine tells us, “Our most successful book in 2013 was all about kale! Can you imagine a worse-tasting vegetable? I can’t.” HEME LHL Sed fh EOLA, Wh 1d Grd BS Cook Food for People You Don’t Really Like That Much is available for pre-sale and will be on shelves July 11. By Cody Klyne : on Saturday night: “So bright, : so beautiful... ah, Precious. : #mylove.” There is no indication : as to whether he is referring to Cindy, or to the plain gold ring. HOW Top Ok Fog FOR PEOPLE CNT THAT MUCH