Pollute all you want and repent with carbon offsets Well, maybe not so much By Trevor Doré, Opinions Editor ecent awareness of the potential effects of climate change has spurred numerous calls to overhaul our lavish North American lifestyles. Get rid of our single occupancy vehicles, start eating locally grown organic produce, stop eating meat and start planting and hugging more trees. While many are buying into the ideology of leading a simpler life that leaves a smaller carbon footprint, many are having a hard time bucking old habits. Part of the problem is that much of our everyday North American life is built around convenience and comfort. Our standards of living are so comfortable and the effects of climate change are often unperceivable on a daily basis, which can make one wonder, is it really necessary to overhaul our entire way of living or is there a way where we can continue to live comfortably without the guilt that we might be leaving a polluted planet for future generations One answer to this question may lie in carbon offsets. Although by no means a new innovation, the complex ideology of carbon offsetting does beg the question, are they really effective? Can we continue to live our comfortable lifestyles full of “ecological sin” and simply repent after the fact with carbon offsets? For those who don’t know, when you buy offsets, the funds are directed towards projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). The nice thing about them is that they do get people thinking about the impact of their actions. Money is something that everyone is familiar with, something tangible that can be observed on a daily basis. Ideally, the money invested in carbon offsets goes to finance renewable energy systems and to reduce GHGs - all of which are positive things that the world needs more of. They allow individuals as well as companies to reduce their carbon footprint where they otherwise might not be able. Many different organizations offer carbon offsets. Some put the funds towards planting trees, others help fund massive renewable energy projects. The unfortunate thing is that there doesn’t seem to be any sort of standard for classification or evaluation. Can a monetary investment really make a difference or perhaps the money spent on offsets might be better spent elsewhere. With sO many options out there, it is hard to know where to invest. The most important thing to establish when purchasing carbon offsets is to consider where the money is going. For example, if the funds are going towards planting trees that in 20 years are going to be cut down and used as fire wood, you might as well crumple your dollar bills up and use them to start a fire for yourself. Some carbon offset programs also fund projects that have other benefits, projects that not only help the environment, but also help the people and the places in which the projects are implemented. Conversely, some projects can have unforeseen negative effects. Aon So with so many options and so much to think about, what is the best method? Carbon offsets are a convenient idea that fits nicely with our culture of convenience and comfort. They provide the potential to be able to continue living a lavish lifestyle and pay for it after the fact, not physically but financially. So, for those with money to spend, maybe this is the way to go. On the flip side, perhaps a more realistic solution is to make small, everyday lifestyle changes. 15