full combo ae seers ires Dec.21, 2009 Your ey of eee paninis or wraps with daily soup or organic mixed greens. Regular price $10.99-S11.99 716 Carnarvon Street New Westminster(across from Law Courts) } Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat 10am-4pm op 0s aee a lame ae Sr engeeen rear hy DJ HOTT WAXX droppin ihe wisely ma fe be >ry Friday and ¢ Saturdc Join us at &7 Below for ALL your Secale pe cee cals ose ON Abe ek a a pik VEQWAV CANUCKS ¢ eK >» BAS ie e a ASE 4 Bae Poker Sundays - Join the: Ne Oneal _Texas ese) aa Aa z for |Appies for al! Douglas CO!eCGe@ siudenis Coyoie@ Ugly on the bar Friday nights 57 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P:604.522.001 | F: 604.522.0544