‘INside There’s a heck of a difference between wise- cracking and wit. Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words. * Dorothy Parker (1893-1967) QUOTE of the DAY American humorous writer July 6,1993 The Douglas College Newsletter Editor’s note: ‘the following background information and highlights are provided for those who weren't able to attend the Pinetree Way Campus Information Session on Friday, June 25. Pinetree Way Info-Session Over 100 College personnel attended the Pinetree Way Campus Information Ses- sion in the Douglas Room on June 25. The session included talks by Bill Day, College President, Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services, and Mia Gordon, Dean of Human Resources and College Development. Among the topics included a discussion of provincial political climate led by Bill Day which outlined many of the chal- lenges faced in the initial planning process of the new campus. Of those challenges, the demand for more post-secondary educational opportunities versus the costs to provide them has been of paramount concern. In particular, Day said that the funding difference between building a campus and actually operating it has been an issue. "The Government has a very large operat- ing deficit which it is trying desperately to reduce," said Day. "We don’t want to get trapped by the shorterm and have a big building with no operating money to fill it“ Day noted that a lot of the delays over the last few months have been caused by negotiations to resolve the operating fund- ing issue. & e’re in a happy position now," he says "We've made a deal and we have a clear understanding of the Ministry’s commit- ment". That commitment means a moderately reduced campus size (from 2400 to 2000 FTE) but slightly more money per square metre for the building. The good news is that the College is able to build a higher quality campus. However, it also means that in order to meet government time- lines, we now have to hurry. "The price we paid through negotiating is that now we have to rush," said Jim Doerr It's a go! We've got it on paper. Now, let’s build it. A revised budget summary for the develop- ment of the Pinetree Way campus has been received from the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology. Space planning begins immediately for the construction of the 2,000 FTE (Full- Time Equivalent) facility, located on a site near the Coquitlam Town Centre. Phase one will open in 1996 with operational funding for 750 FTEs. There are two sides to the planning process: program development, and the facility itself. Mia Gordon, Dean of Human Resources and College Development, says that deciding on the program mix is at the top of the planning agenda. "The initial plan is for 2,000 FTEs, but we'll be adding FTEs in chunks after Highlights "When we come to you in a hurry, you'll know why - we have to get the construc- tion tenders out by March 94." Along with the building itself, planning the profile, image and programs of the campus have also been top priority. Mia Gordon noted the conflicting de- mands between what parents, students, Info-Session continued on page 5 1996, so we need to decide how that will happen. " The process will be complete by the end of summer, and Gordon stresses the need for College departments to move quickly. It's ago continued on page 3 inside INside... College Briets.. 28.01... au 5 Walking for the health of it...... 4 Did you OW? ....-.. 5 INside Zone...,.....:.....:... 6