WYLIE I UR Pn etewb pe ae od eaachkl tah Na Se ae A eS Eero PS a A Ee) Women’s Day Open house planned for March 8th (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 @ omen at the Douglas College Women’s Centre are busy preparing for International Women’s Day. Members of the College com- munity are invited to attend the 2nd annual International Women’s Day open house in the Douglas Col- lege Women’s Centre from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. on March 8. The open house is co-spon- sored by the Faculty Association’s Status of Women Committee, the Women’s Centre, and the Douglas College Student Society’s Women’s Women’s Centre spokesperson Liz Wilson says International Inside INSIDE MARCH 6, 1990 Foundation News Performance Evaluation Women on Thelr Own Grief Help Athletics & Group Advising Childhood Trauma Nolo ilo ip in lw lw Briefs & Reasons to Live Innovation Abstracts 1] Women’s Day was established to honour the efforts of women workers. On March 8th, 1908, after the death of 128 women trapped in a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Fac- tory in New York City, 15,000 women workers from the garment and textile industry marched through the city demanding shorter working hours, safe working condi- tions, equal pay and the right for women to vote. The demonstrators demanded "bread and roses." Bread is the symbol of economic security, and roses, the symbol for a better life. Police violently attacked the women in an attempt to break up the demonstration. International Women’s Day is celebrated in countries around the world, but it has only recently been revived in North America with the rise of the women’s movement in the sixties. Each year, thousands of women across Canada join in mar- ches, meetings, celebrations, and a re-dedication to the continuing fight for "bread and roses." Douglas College Women’s Centre is located in Room 2720 on the second floor of the New Westminster campus, behind Stu- dent Services. @ What do we women have to celebrate on International Women’s Day? (An excerpt from the International Women's Day Committee of 1984) On this day, we celebrate our strength. We celebrate our strug- gle for freedom. We celebrate our unity. We celebrate our differen- ces. We celebrate our heroines of the past. In the U.S., Harriet Tub- man, the Black "Moses", led many of her people from slavery to freedom through the Under- ground Railway; Margaret Sanger brought birth control in- formation to women who wanted to choose when and where to be mothers; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn began her career as a labour or- ganizer at the age of fifteen when she spoke about "What Socialism Will Do For Women"; Crystal Eastman fought for industrial safety and labour laws. In Canada, Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Henrietta Muir Edwards and Louise McKinney successfully battled the law and we became persons before the law (the famous Person’s Case"). please see page 2