ee =I MAD HATTER PAGE 5 | DOUGLAS Om rar WLLOUWE | ARCHIVES PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD, APRIL 15 A. External Matters - Municipal Mr. Doug Manning, City Administrator for New Westminster, informs me that the City's solicitors are continuing work on a draft agreement between the City and the College regarding the Simcoe Site. Mr. Dale Alexander, Executive Director of the Simon Fraser Society (Beacon Industries) and I had a meeting with the Assistant Planner of Coquitlam District, regarding the possibility of location of some or all of the Beacon Industries activities in Coquitlam. This is part of a process of assessing the feasibility of acquisition of a number of relatively small light in- dustrial sites, rather than one large facility that would require a signifi- cant amount of acreage. In due course, Mr, Alexander and I will be meeting with Mr. Wright, of The First Capital City Development Company, in order to identify the most feasible course of action in regard to relocation of Beacon Industries. B. External Matters - Education I have accepted the position as Chair- man of the External Evaluation Team for Northwest College. This will involve my absence from the College from May 11 to 14. I am pleased to report that Mr. G. DellaMattia, Dean of Educational and Student Services, is also on the Evalu- ation Team. Because of the desire of the Ministry to see Douglas College substantially en- large its commitment to Nursing Programs, I attended a meeting of Lower Mainland Post-secondary C.E.O's. to discuss and consider the implications of this pro- posal. As a result of the discussion, I have accepted an immediate modest increase in the size of our Nursing Program, effective September. Dis- cussions are occurring with Ministry officials in regard to a possible fur- ther increase.- se We still have no final word from the Ministry regarding their decision on the Dental Program, but authorization has been received to complete plumbing and wiring of the Dental Laboratory to the floor level. I have had meetings with Mr. A. Wilkin- son and Dr. R. Pridham of Kwantlen College over the last month, to discuss matters of general educational coordina- tion and direction. C. Internal Matters - Education Deve lopment A major series of meetings, involving | Deans and Chairman/Directors of all College Departments was concluded ten days ago. We now have a fully detailed and agreed upon knowledge of the exist- ing College budget, which leaves us in an excellent position to deal with what- ever problems result from the budget we | are assigned this month by the Ministry. Special mention must be made of the mon- umental amount of work done by Peter Greenwood in this regard. I am satisfied that all administrators of the College now have a completely detailed grasp of their own budget, and of the nature of the overall College budget. The administration held a vary successful workshop, led by Peter Greenwood and Andy Andrews, relating to the management of Function 3 funds. In addition, Marshall Price, Manager of Systems and Computing, organized an excellent workshop on Word Processing Systems. Work on the 5-year Plan is continuing. The first draft should be available for review by the Board at its next regular