(4) This document will be reviewed by and with the Administrator of Reference and items which fall within general policy and standards will be identified and quantified for the information of the Users Group. The Administrator of Reference will review the baseline document with the Chairman of the Users Group and the Users Group as a whole as required, and within an assigned "turn-around time" provide required additional information to the F.E.S. (5) The F.E.S. will review the completed baseline document and inform the User Group of its intentions regarding the recommendations in the light of overall budget considerations. (6) Should a User's Group be of the opinion that the intentions of the F.E.S. are inappropriate, representations may be made to the Project Development Committee and, if necessary, to the Steering Committee of the project as the forum of appeal. SUBSEQUENT STAGES OF PLANNING (1) The amalgamated requirements of the permanent campus will be translated into dollar estimates and presented in turn to the Steering Committee, the College Board, and to appropriate officials within the Ministry of Education by February 15, 1981. (2) In due course, we will have information regarding our actual capital budget for equipping and furnishing the campus and at that time the F.E.S. or its successor will come up with a plan for adaptation of the draft budget which will be reviewed by the Steering Committee or its successor. (3) By that time, the College split will have occurred and the Users Groups will have evolved naturally to incorporate the "new" groups of faculty, staff and administrators with specific interests in the building. ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND THE STEERING COMMITTEE (1) All decisions will continue to be made with full consultation of affected personnel through their designated Users Groups, except in cases of deadlines mandated by the architect or the Ministry of Education, in which case it may be impossible to assemble all the required personnel for input. In such cases, the members of the Project Development Committee will assume individual and group responsibility for decisions which are made. (2) Decisions made in conflict areas will follow full discussion with affected parties with final decision being made by the Project Development Committee, subject to appeal to the Steering Committee. (3) The Steering Committee will continue as the active reference and adjudicating body during the course of the project. Membership of the Steering Committee is: Reg Pridham - Chairman, Acting College President Sandy Thomson - College Board Stewart Graham - College Board Bill Morfey - Bursar Bob Lowe - Acting Dean of Educational Services Gerry DellaMattia - Acting Dean of Student Services Mike Ruskin - Staff Representative Ann Frost - Faculty Representative Bill Carvell - Student Society Representative Bill Day - Campus Principal (Ex-officio Member) Barbara Bessey - Staff Support - more -