js One last personal salvo re. the anpnlicetion: while the vetition was nevtral, I am not. My reasons for stending egeinst certifi- cation are these: a. Iido not feel it is annrorriete for the feculty to be part of the orgenized tree union movenent. I see little to adnire in the rovemert when heeds of unions frequertly call "study sessions® to-decide if they will counsel their memhers to OBEY OR DISOBEY THE LAW (re. indunctions or cease-jand-desist orders issued acesinet them bv e court). ob. I see little to adtrire in the rev the movenent treets the public interest issue vrenereally. A nosition of nower besed on how much inconvenience cen be imnosed on inrocent third parties (1.e€. how much hell cer we raise!) is something with which I diserree; I feel that the feculty can achieve its needs nore successfully without wearing a cloak of such greed and obtuse streatery. c. My freedom to act resnonsibly towerd my students, colleagues, administretors and taxpeyers cannot exist if I eam expected to behave live e@ trade vrionist, in ae dispute between a feculty union end the adninistretion, or between the letter and the steff union. ad. I am very wery of individuals who feel they must have such ©@ large club, in order to hargein in a reelistic wey with the Collere Council. The tyne of person who feels he needs such a club sveilsble, very soon finds the need to use it, believe me! Certification is only one sten renoved fron integration with the trede union moverent. VOTE AGAINST CERTIFICATION AS A TRADE UNION, Were rot a bunch of bloody sheen you know, nor is the adminis- tration Simon Legree!' The trede union cemp wovld seem to be the worst plece for us to pitch our tent! Thanks for reseding this submission, snd listering to me over the last few months. Murrey Leslie, Business Division