ee ae DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY! *” SUITE, « OBES LANGARA 100 West 49th. Ave. (So tea &Yw nal HOW TO LISTEN TO YOUR CHILD Instructor: Mrs. Jacie Boyes, Group Leader and Course Coordinator, Continuing Education, UBC and licenced instructor in Parent Effectiveness | . . Training. DESCRIPTION OF PLANNED PROGRAM: The three components necessary to achieve these aims time awareness and skill training. used to achieve these components. are knowledge, present Lecture, discussion and practice are the methods Mrs. Boyes intends to heighten awareness of reasons for listening and basic obstructions to clarity. The majority of class time will be used for skill training using, wherever possible, examples that develop from class discussion, low level problems from home, and observation of parent-child interactions either on tape or in the "Family" program currently in session at Langara College. LIMITED ENROLLMENT Starts Wednesday, January 9, 1974 7:30-9:30 p.m. Couple $15.00 f Single $ 8.00 PREPARATION FOR PARENTHOOD ERLE TOES EE) SSIS PERE ST RO FOR BOTH PARENTS TO-BE CCOUPLES ONLY) - PREPARATION FOR BABY'S ARRIVAL - CARE OF MOTHER AND BABY DURING PRE-NATAL LABOUR AND DELIVERY AND POST NATAL PERIOD STARTS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , 1974 - HUSBAND AND WIFE RELATIONSHIPS 7:30 - 9:00PM m1 CARAT E er NEW i PAAL 8 WEEKS - SAFEGUARDING THE BABY $10.00 COUPLE - ROLE OF HUSBAND - PARENTHOOD ROLE Please send name, address, and telephone number, with cheque or meney order payable to Vancouver City Coliege and return to Lorne Davidson, Vancouver City College, Langara, 100 W. 49th Ave. VI awe mA eee —-_ 7 Ty et