A F “Pega mm feelin ee BN eee Var in oie p eee ee ee Ts yp ees Be Sage rycen SD Gy. BGS 7). | ee A TN cpa — (604) 520-5400 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. Mailing Address: P.0. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Psych Nursing instructors put on a show Far of these Instructors in Psychiatric Nursing won Oscars for their efforts in making the training film Old Forest, which premiered last week in the Psychiatric Nursing field base. The film is an educational video designed to illustrate group process by depicting how six psychiatric nursing staff deal with the closure of their workplace as their clients are placed in the com- munity. “The students will use the video for a distance education as- signment,” says Joyce Heaton, Director. “It was a lot of work, but the people involved made it fun. The people in IMS (Instructional Media Services) were very profes- PSYCHIATIRC NURSING INSTRUCTORS on CELEBRATE THEIR FILM DEBUT. (Top, I. to r.) Frans Andrews, Mike Tarko, Anna Helewka, John Crawford (Bottom, I. to r.) Joyce Heaton, Jeanette Mossing. Missing are Judy Empey and Norma Vallentgoed. insipbe INSIDE MAY 14, 1991 A little more news, please College graduates compete with experlenced workers "Tes first results of the Inside readership survey are in, and while you find us trustworthy, you would like more coverage of staff and college news. “The respondents said that basically we were doing a credible job, al- though that’s not to say there isn’t room for improvement,” said Public Information Officer Bill Bell, noting that 38-of-40 readers gave the Inside’s credibility a passing grade. "People want to see more news about continued on page 2 Mia Gordon - acting Dean Texas Tee Party Videos worth a look 1991/92 College Board Oi i& |W |