MADHATTER PAGE 8 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Services for Students 1. Assistance with admissions and re- gistration procedures. 2. Arranging for readers, transportat- ion, or tour of the college. 3. Introducing students to the in-. structors. 4. Discussing alternate ways of meeting the program entry requirements. 5. Exploring alternate ways of taking exams, lecture notes, and campleting assignments. 6. Support in adapting to the college envirorment. 7. Referrals to other departments, service areas, or cammunity agencies. 8. Information on ramps, washroam facilities, parking, and general accessibility. 9. Assistance in locating special materials, equipment, and services. Services for Faculty 1. Consultation and support in inte- grating a student into the classroan setting. 2. Consultation and support in finding ways of adapting course materials for students with special needs. 3. In-service workshops on specific topics regarding various disabilities. 4. Assistance in cbtaining special equipment or learning materials required by the student in order to adapt to the classrocm environment. For further information or service, please contact Gladys Klassen, local 285. WHAT'S HAPPENING Sept. 30th at 12:30 - African Drums. Don't miss these three talented percussionists who will open up to you the beauty and excitement of African music. Simon Fraser University free noon concert. - SKILLS FOR COLLEGE LIBRARY RESEARCH In order to better serve student needs, the library skills course will be offered beginning in October this semester. Instructors who have students who need upgrading in library skills are urged to have them enroll in this 14 credit course. Students can register without penalty until October 5. Two sections will be offered: LIB 111 N10 Tues. Oct. 5 - Nov. 16 1400-1700 LIB 111 N50 Wed. Oct. 6 - Nov. 17 1900-2200 For more information, contact Jean Cockburn, Orientation Librarian.