MAD HATTER PAGE 4 Soe mh An important role of the CCTC is dissem-— nation of accurate, up-to-date information about activities and trade-related de- velopments in China. 'The China Reporter', published every two months, reports on agriculture, finance, the economy, energy, foreign investment, forestry, industrial development, infra- structure, law, mining and metallurgy, petrochemical industries, high technology and tourism. Comprehnsive and detailed accounts are gathered from a wide range of sources including the Council's "on the spot" office in Beijing. Special articles on diverse topics assist 'The China Reporter's readership to obtain valuable background perspectives about China. The Journal of Canadian Industry, whose inaugural issue will be published in April 1983 is designed to introduce Canadian export technology and products to China. Editorial content will in- clude technical articles relevent to China's development requirements, and descriptions of exportable Canadian technologies, manufactured products and services. The Journal will be pro- duced in full colour and printed in simplified Chinese characters. Its articles will be provided principally by Canadian academia, Canadian govern- ment trade promotion offices and Can- adian corporate export and R & D offic- ers. Together with essentially non-par- tisan technical articles, will be trea- tises describing company-specific tech- nologies, products and experience. There will usually be charges for in- clusion of materials narrowly devoted to promotion of a specific company's product or product line. Directed cir- culation in China is targeted at 45,000 copies. The publishers of 'The China Reporter' and the 'Jia Na Da Kung Ye Zhuan Kan (Journal of Canadian Industry) welcome articles relating to any of the afore- mentioned topics. All manuscripts should be in English and should be no longer than 3,000 words. The use of charts and other graphic illustrations is encouraged. All submissions should be double-spaced and type-written, and should include the author's name, re- turn address, and textual references. The Canada-China Trade Council reserves the right to edit or refuse submitted materials. The Council offers its writers the opportunity to appear in these prestigious publications, and regrets that it cannot offer financial compensation for stories and articles submitted. However, when material is used by the Council, the author, on re- quest, will receive up to ten campli- mentary copies of the issue in which his/her article appears. We invite you, your colleagues and staff, or graduate students doing relevant re- search, to submit material to the Toronto office of the Canada-China Trade Council. If you have any questions about the CCTC or its publications, we would be happy to supply further information and would be most pleased to hear fram you. William I. Coleman For more information, write: Canada-—China Trade Council, 199 Bay Street, Suite 805, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 114, Tel: (416) 364- 8321. Review of College Governance Structure As you are aware, all aspects of the Col- lege Governance Structure were to be re- viewed early in 1983. It has now been determined by the President that the orig- inal committee will form the review cam- mittee, and that all recommendations for changes are to be submitted to him by April. 15, 1983. This is to advise all levels of the Govern- ance System that all concerns and recom- mendations should be forwarded to the Gov- ernance Cammittee, in care of my office, as soon as possible. Ed Redmond Assistant to the President ee