-3- DOUGLAS C°LLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES TO ALL REGULAR EMPLOYEES (INCLUDING FACULTY ON ONE-YEAR TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS) In an effort to somewhat reduce the spiralling increases in the cost of our dental plan, we will be moving the administration of our dental plan, to North American Life Assurance Company. Up to now, Great West Life has administered the plan. Also, the College, being sensitive to employee criticism of our Extended Health Benefits Plan with MSA, particularly © the eye glass option, has arranged for increased benefits under the new plan, which will also be administered by North American Life. Specifically, the new plan will allow: - claims of $75 for eyeglasses/contact lens every two years (with the standard EHB deductible and co-insurance) - claims for oral contraceptives - claims for the $4/day hospital co-insurance clause The above changes will be effective April 1, 1980. It isa requirement of Our arrangement with North American Life that all benefit claims be processed through our Personnel Department (e.g. not be forwarded directly to them by yourself, dentist or doctor) so kindly get the necessary forms through Personnel beforehand. Note claimable EHB expenses Botualiy incurred prior to April 1 must be claimed through the old carrier (MSA) providing the total of the items claimed is sufficient to satisfy the 1980 $25 calendar year deductible. Otherwise they may be carried forward and claimed through the new carrier. Note: If the 1980 $25 deductible will already have been satisfied by March 2lst with the old carrier, it will not be necessary to re-satisfy it again with North American Life. sift ts) bie Leo Hungle FISCAL YEAR-END - March 31, 1980 In preparation for year-end we ask your cooperation in the following: (A) INVOICES Please return all approved invoices to the Purchasing Department as promptly as possible. Should there be any queries or inaccuracies on invoices, please call so that we are able to complete changes that will affect year-end figures. (B) REQUEST FOR HONORARIA ETC. Please have all requests for payments for services to be rendered prior to year-end, completed and forwarded to the Accounting Department by MARCH 28, 1980. (C) EXPENSE REPORTS Please have all reports for expenses incurred prior to and including March 24, 1980, submitted for approval by March 27, 1980. We also ask that all Deans, Campus Principals, Directors and Supervisors forward the approved expense reports to the Accounting Department for processing by MARCH 31, 1980. Late submissions for any of the above may be charged against the 1980/81 budget. ‘Ss TLeLre. =