page 8 the Other press Wed. Feb. 4, 1976 Information Provided to assist the students of Douglas College courtesy of the Douglas College Student Society. ® ® : Library Services: The Student Society and College jointly fund this * Service. All students may obtain periodical articles that ' e are not available at Douglas College but are obtainable | Inter-librar y Loans ® at other Post Secondary Institutions. Articles are Photo-copied and sent to any of the three campuses on request. Check the location file to see if the book is located on another campus. If it is, fill in a request form (available at the desk) and the book will be delivered to the campus : of your choice. A request form may also be filled out to ; obtain a book that someone has already taken out once ; that book is due. When the requested book becomes : available your name will be posted on the bulletin boards ; located in the library. If a book is not available, always Bie: inquire at the information desk, the librarians are there 4 to help. ; : Equipment Room: Typewriters: The Student Society is funding the employment of students to make the College’s equipment available to all students for periods of one week. Each Campus will The Student Society has purchased typewritters to be located soon on all three campuses. New West: in the Engineering — Science Building Study - shortly be receiving its own supply of equipment for Lounge. on-campus activities. é Richmond: in the Cafeteria. For more information contact 521-4851 loc. 287 and Surrey: in the library (inquire at the desk). ask for Judy, Tom, or Bill. | Student Placement: Looking for a part-time job, a career, or summer work? Contact Sheila Dennison on New West Campus : : : (521-4851) or check the student placement boards on : your campus, or fill out a job application at the Student : Council office in New West. From time to time the Student Society needs casual or permanent part-time Study space . ; help in the office or at Student Society activities. New West Campus: a : Student Lounge in the Cafeteria (no smoking) Engineering Science Study Lounge Lounge in the Library A d ' = One of the stairwells in the ‘700’ building ccommo ations: Surrey Douglas College provides no residence as such, but Counselling lounge the Student Society will shortly be posting current. _ Open area at the rear of the ‘700’ building housing lists on the bulletin boards in each Campus - Open lounge in ‘300-400’ building cafeteria. There will be cards available to either ' Richmond: advertise or request accommedations. These lists will be : Library until the annex is completed updated weekly. Clubs: The Student Society sponsors a number of clubs. If you are interrested in either joining or forming a club, contact your campus council office or phone the Student ; Society Office. (522-6038) The following clubs are presently functioning. Ski Club — Eric 433-6270 Raquet Club — Grant 521-6502 _ Jock Club — (NW) Film Club ; Douglas College Association of Public Outrage and Moral Indignation Spanish Club : Musicians Club : Fashion Club Interior Design Club Construction Management Club Pottery Club Intramurals: This spring the Student Society will be funding intramurals on all campuses. For more information phone 521-4851 loc. 287. Counselling: The services are provided on each campus and the staff are willing to help with career goals or any problem. For further information plese contact your Student ; Society Campus Council Office. : ; - Richmond: upstairs, first door on your right. Surrey: 501 in the Cafeteria New West: The rear of the Cafeteria Phone 524-6814 or 522-6038 Talk to us, we’re your voice in the college.