THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester by Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 werad NOTICE TO: ALL PERSONNEL USING TYPEWRITERS \ EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1977, our typewriters are being serviced by a new company, Diehl Ltd. If your typewriter requires servicing, contact your Campus Administrator and _give him the following information: . Your name, room number . SERIAL No. of your typewriter . Description of "Symptoms" The Gampus Administrator will be responsible for contacting the service company and for ensuring that the service call is answered in a reasonable time. Thank you. M.M. Endacott Purchasing OUTDOOR EDUCATION NIGHT For all outdoor enthusiasts in the Lower Fraser Valley. Wednesday - April 13th, 1977 at Newton Junior Secondary School, 13220 - 64th Ave., Surrey 7:00. - 10:00 p.m. Meet with the provincial and local outdoor organizations operating in British Columbia. Displays will be set up by the organizations and information and slide presentations . will be available. Guest speaker: Mr. Brian White, Co-ordinator of the Capilano College Outdoor Recreation Program. NEW FILMS j The library has recently received the following new films and they are now available for loan - BIRTH OF A FAMILY This film is designed for couples to aemonstrate preparation for. childbirth. We see one couple attending a class on childbirth preparation in order to secure accurate information and to make themselves physically as well as psycho- logically ready for the event. The scenes of class instruction are juxtaposed with scenes of the actual birth, recording early labor, transition and full emergence of the baby and the placenta. CRAFT OF HISTORY Three senior Canadian historians (Arthur Lower, Michel Brunet, Donald Creighton) comment on Canada's past and reflect on her future. A PLACE TO LEARN Planning for the task of effectively communicating information to students and faculty is one of the primary respon- sibilities of library administrators. The film "A Place To Learn" has been produced by the College of DuPage to portray its innovative approach to the Learning Resources Center concept as it exists at the college. The LRC at the college has attempted a totally integrated library/learning resources center in order to best serve the instructional needs of its faculty and the learning needs of its students. NINETY-NINE BOTTLES OF BEER A remarkable film for young people about young people...on alcohol abuse. The film simply relates actual experiences and feelings of young people as they relate to alcohol. SECRET LOVE OF SANDRA BLAINE Shows the progression into alcoholism of a wife and mother. Focuses on facilities for rehabilitation and treatments available for complete recovery. FOR SALE 1974 FORD MAVERICK «=~ 6 cyl...) P.B. oe P.S., snow tires, radio & tape deck Excellent condition. $2,400, or B20. PHONE - - 536-2244 or 591-6662, or local 283 §