Sofonisba Anguissola was : influence on self-portraiture, and her displacement PM Coc wha cont ihsc Ue Gcme TINY : of traditional notions of the known for her self-portraits. She : female figure, have broadened was extremely famous during her : the fields of performance and lifetime. Even though women : art, while also allowing women were not allowed to study figure —_: today to ‘seize the gaze.” Artists drawing, Sofonisba mastered the : like Sherman open the door for human form and portrait through +: women to represent themselves self-examination. She painted into : creatively and subversively. « Sofonisba Anguissola/wikipedia & fo) G | Sy q = iy & o ce] G FS w 7) ie) a ° é ie her old age, rendering herselfas : Similarly, contemporary artist — an elderly woman. Each image Tomoko Sawada explores _ is an empowering depiction of : gender, culture, and identity herself the through way that she wanted to performative photography. Like Sherman, her self-portraits employ costuming to challenge the boundaries of identity; however, Sawada’s work explores Japanese stereotypes. In 2015, we see artists eTpLaelaIDeactoel eV Rees TOOL Rea a via selfies and self-portraiture. For example, Courtney Demone of British Columbia takes self- portraits/selfies topless and posts them on Instagram with the pase In the 18th century in France, Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun also created images of herself as an artist. After her father died when she was still young, she supported her family as a painter. During her adult life, she painted several portraits of Marie Antoinette as a devout mother to improve her public image. It was only fitting that she would Louise Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun /wikipedia be commissioned for this kind 7. yee hashtag #DolHaveBoobsNow. of work given her many self- adil She documents her body while portraits that depicted herself as she takes hormone replacement a mother and a painter. therapy, waiting for the day Even if you don’t buy that i) that social media sites begin to 18th Century self-portraits are censor her body as her breasts selfies, you may have a harder E develop. This interesting art time denying the selfieness of project challenges the policing Francesca Woodman’s haunting film photography. : of women’s (especially trans-women’s) bodies. Other Francesca Woodman was a young artist who took : trans-women and non-binary people have also begun hundreds of images of herself with a film camera before to share selfies with the hashtag #Dol HaveBoobsNow, committing suicide at the age of 22. The images areso _; creating an incredible archive creepy, honest, and depressing that one might feel she: of images of femme trans folks FESR ie ojo oUN MeN Case CMOyMUDL Rte nex al CoML ecLUe dba oO SL annem Lb osRe me CIES Core real. Don't :; These images reclaim the kid yourself. : patriarchal representation of Francesca PKL eres ok key [Laas MCURaUi elute | (oLv (eR-Mp)Key (came Con eb IMEC A Lo these images : started without the invention Courtney Demone/mashable jletsiarclm cole of front-facing cameras and the andI curate : “narcissistic” rise of the selfie? our Instagram : Maybe not. itare la : Mass self-portraiture is an Gratayy : act of community building and Shermanisa : radical self love. As a woman, photographer : it is incredibly encouraging to who has taken : be reminded that other women Francesca Woodman/the fohUrenenr-vey hundreds everywhere are taking ownership over their bodies of images : through simple image making every day. Images of lms : women by women can't be anything less than a feminist disguised as various female stereotypes and caricatures. ! act because they subvert The Gaze. Selfies are a modern Feminist scholar Ashley Farmer said: “Sherman’s : feminist movement.