Setter Know a Campus Non-Profit Group: inema Politica Jeff Hammersmark, OP Contributor jowling for Columbine. Fahrenheit 9/11. Super Size Me. Who led the Electric Car. Fast Food Nation. There’s no denying at the humble documentary is fast becoming legitimate bmpetition for Hollywood films. Perhaps it stems from rt fascination with reality media, or maybe Michael foore’s in-your-face style of work attracted new customers b a previously unfamiliar genre. Whatever the reason, it ppears that the documentary is here to stay as their big- reen profits have been more than impressive and there’s shortage of people who like money. While the titles at the beginning of this article may und familiar, there are many other great documentaries at didn’t get their start on the big screen. These films typ- ally don’t succeed outside of the world of hardcore doc hns, but they are equally important as their big screen rethren. Another trend is developing to address this issue: m screening groups have been popping up in schools ross the country, and your college is on board. Last semester at the New West campus, Douglas ollege’s new film screening group, Cinema Politica, was eated to make these great films available for you to see. ings were kicked off with Wa/-Town, a Canadian-made jocumentary exposing some of Wal-Mart's negative pacts on society. Other great films were shown, including lavela Rising, an inspiring story of how music and dance anged lives, and changed life, in the violent slums of Rio de Janeiro. This semester, Cinema Politica has a great line up of films to screen, free of charge as usual, and they’re starting with what some have called the most important film ever made: Ax Inconvenient Truth. Roger Ebert wrote the following about Al Gore’s “global warning” film “In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.” For the great price of free, you can see An Inconvenient Truth on Tuesday, January 23 at 7 PM, or Friday, January 26 at 3:30 PM, in room 1614 of the New West campus. Rumor has it that some might even walk out with more than they came in with, and ’m not talking about intangibles either. A schedule for all Cinema Politica films will be available over the course of the semester, and you'll find posters around the campus as well. When you attend a screening, you'll also have the option of joining the Cinema Politica e- mailing list, which will deliver the screening dates, times, room numbers, and more into your inbox so you'll never miss a screening. Remember, the best things in life are free, so grab some friends, save yourself the $7 you would have spent on popcorn alone, and drop into a Cinema Politica screening. Your brain, and your wallet, will thank you.