College briefs ?® Coupon Books for sale Entertainment 1993 books are now avail- able. The books feature coupons offering discounts and two-for-one deals for res- taurants, sports, family and entertainment attractions, hotels and other businesses. The cost is $42.80. Contact Wendy at 527-5340 or 421-6821. ?® Help the United Way A BCGEU member is needed to act as a representative with the United Way at a meeting on October 8. Please call Mark Crozet at 5359. ?® Thanks for your help Christine Worsley of Accounting sends her thanks to all those who assisted during the Fall registration, the first using the new Banner system. She sends special thanks to Carol Nelson for her help in training and support. ¢® Calendar reminder A reminder to all departments that material for the Calendar must be prepared and submitted to the Registrar’s Office by January 8, 1993. ?® Tracker for sale 1991 GMC Tracker 4X4. Fully loaded, transferable warranty, 19,000 km. $14,000 or best offer. Contact Ray at 527- 5027. ?® Toyota for sale 1986 Toyota Camry LE. Standard. Just over 100,000 km’s. Mint Condition. As- king $7,500; all reasonable offers considered. Contact Laura or Jean at 939- 4058. ?® Vauxhall for sale 1967 Vauxhall Viva. Runs well. Body in good condition. Asking $1,200; any reasonable offer accepted. Contact Laura at 939-4058. College briefs continued on page 4 3 Thomas Haney up and running Pack up the office on Friday. Unpack Saturday. Offer classes in a brand-new campus shared with a brand-new high school on Tuesday. Considering the tall order facing staff and faculty, the inaugural day of classes on Septem- ber 8 at Douglas College’s Maple Ridge campus on went off without a hitch. Well, almost. "We were still putting some whiteboard on the walls and getting our computers set up. We also had PA announcements from the high school being sent into college classrooms but that problem was sorted out. Things have gone very smoothly when you look at what was involved," offered Pat Floyd, Thomas Haney Centre’s Douglas College Director. What was involved for Floyd and his four staffers included registering students at the old College offices near Maple Ridge Secondary, selling texts and moving College offices into the new campus during the Labour Day weekend. "We were busy, busy, busy. The staff worked hard and put in long hours, but just about every class is full and we're pleased with that." Within its first week, 30 of Thomas Haney Centre’s 35 sections were either full or within four students of capacity. "It’s hard to define the typical Thomas Haney student, we seem to have three," said Floyd. "There are people who live in Maple Ridge, for whom we are the first choice. We have stu- dents from the Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam area who find us a 50-50 choice with the New Westminster campus. Then we have what you might call the reluctant students who are here because they couldn’t get the course they wanted in New Westminster." Thomas Haney Centre continued on page 8 It's Official College employees are invited to the opening ceremonies at Thomas Haney Centre, which will be held on October 22 beginning at 2pm. Employees are welcome to attend, provided their atten- dance does not result in disruption of instructional or support activities. Staff attendance must be approved by the employee’s supervisor. The afternoon will feature messages from dignitaries such as Minister of Education Anita Hagen, College President Bill Day, and representatives from School District No. 42 and other government bodies. Guided tours will take place following the ceremonies. Thomas Haney Centre is located at 23000 116th Avenue in Maple Ridge. a