MAD HATTER 10 P.D. BULLETIN PROVINCIAL INSTRUCTORS DIPLOMA PROGRAM Many college faculty have learned their teaching skills on the job, often without having received any formal teaching instruction before- hand or any in-service training and enrichment of their teaching abilities. Indeed, the possession of professional teaching credentials has not been viewed in the past as a necessary qualification for a faculty appointment at a community college and few post-secondary institutions recognize such credentials for placement or advancement ‘on the salary scale. To many, this is the way things should be. But increasingly there is a need for a program that allows instructors embarking on a teaching career at the community college level to develop competence in basic instructional skills and for one which provides professional develop- ment opportunities for established instructors to "refresh" their instructional knowledge, skills and attitudes in response to the changing educational needs of their students. The Instructors Diploma Program has been designed to address these needs. The program is co-sponsored by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training, which supervises the program and issues the diploma, and the Vancouver Community College/Vancouver Vocational Institute, which supervises the admission of candidates and administers the program of courses. Below are some pages outlining details of the curriculum, formats, and schedules for the program. Further information is given in an Information Guide, copies of which are available from me or Gordon Gilgan who is the college's representative on the program's steering committee. If a number of faculty are interested, it will be possible to offer courses from the program at Douglas. Please would you contact me at local 4233 if you would be interested in attending any in-house sessions this spring or summer. Ted James Collegewide P.D. Chairperson